Page 27 of Rancher Daddies

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The reality is far more aggressive, crude, and variable. Every soldier is different, their desires all-encompassing, and the lack of fulfillment of those desires can cause mental and physical harm.

Did Craig know what he was getting into? Why did he agree to have a Dominant assigned to him permanently and without his input? Exactly how much of what he’s changed about himself was to be a good soldier versus a good submissive?

He glances through Craig’s mission reports, a little surprised to see how long he was in active combat. He was a leader, and won medals for bravery and honor, and that does make his easy submission a little surprising. But it doesn’t look like he ever struggled with being assertive or making decisions or ever had any sort of instability. He was able to compartmentalize.

Sam realizes he’s being watched and looks toward the bathroom. The door has eased open, and Craig is staring at him through a five-inch gap. Sam puts down the data pad and goes over to him. He grabs the sheet from the table as he passes and offers it to Craig, who wraps it around his waist and blushes before coming out.

“Better?” Sam asks.

“No,” Craig mutters grumpily.

“Let’s go, sweetheart,” he says and puts an arm around Craig’s waist, leading him out of medical. They go to Sam’s quarters, and he takes Craig straight to the shower to clean up.

Sam strips off his own clothes while the water warms, Craig watching him and then dragging his gaze away to look around the bathroom. His cheeks are pink, his chest is flushed, and the embarrassment covers so much of him. It’s lovely.

“Your quarters are nice,” Craig says and then glances down at Sam’s cock as it’s revealed. “Oh, that’s nicer,” he mumbles and chews on his bottom lip.

It’s flattering enough that Sam laughs.

He takes the sheet from Craig, letting it drop to the ground, and urges him into the walk-in shower. Craig goes under the spray, hands extended under the water, but his attention is on Sam, waiting and wanting and unbearably gorgeous. He’s perfect.

“I have a… um, just a second,” Sam says and leaves the bathroom, goes to the laundry room, and gets the shower cushion he recently purchased. Goddamn it, one of them is going to be on their knees before they get out of the shower. He returns, and Craig smiles at him in relief, as if he wasn’t sure Sam would return.

Craig licks his lips as he glances at the cushion. And then he blushes. But he’s such a good boy he doesn’t ask about it, content to trust Sam’s decision.

Incredible. Sam gets the soap and starts lathering him up, washing him all over.

“The modifications you made are lovely. They suit you well.”

“Oh?” Craig asks, and Sam can’t read his tone.

“Pretty little balls,” he says, stroking over them, once again admiring how soft and silky they are.

“Oh… thank you,” Craig responds and shifts in place. The result is that his balls are more firmly in Sam’s hand, cupped and held.

“You joined up very young. Do you think it was too young?”

“Do you?”

“I’m asking you, Craig. It’s your life, and you made the decision. I’m asking because I want to know you.”

“Well, what if I want to know you and what you think?”

Sam laughs. “Alright. You tell me, and then I’ll tell you.”

Craig shivers and then gasps as Sam rolls his balls in his hand. “That feels really good.”

“I’m glad. Now tell me. Be my good boy.”

“Oh. Um, I knew what I wanted when I signed up. But I was told ‘no’ for most of the modifications because they were too experimental or militarily unnecessary. The only program that would allow me to make the modifications I wanted was off books. So that’s what I did.”

That just makes Sam have even more questions.

“Most of the doctors looked down on me and what I wanted. And some of it was… side effects,” Craig says with a sigh. His eyes droop in pleasure, distracted by all the attention Sam is giving. And that just rouses Sam’s Dominant instincts, makes him want to play and take even more.

“That gland was intentional,” Sam says, smiling at Craig.

“Well, yes. And it… does it feel good?”
