Page 40 of Rancher Daddies

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Submissive, gay, masochistic men who enter the military and sign up to become submissive now undergo extensive testing before any modifications are made. Craig didn’t have that.

“No,” he confirms.

“Did you take an Inclinations Test? Did they have that back then?”

“I was interviewed, but I… oh god, you’re going to hate me.”

“No, I’m not. Tell me,” he orders. It’s awkward to make eye contact because they’re holding each other so tightly, but he has to see Craig and kiss him so his boy knows that he won’t be judged for anything he confesses. “Anything you tell me, it’s our secret. I swear. Being a good boy means you tell your Daddy, doesn’t it?”

“Yes, Daddy,” Craig says, cock throbbing against Sam’s stomach. Even now, Craig is hard and leaking between them. The emotional strain hasn’t lessened his ardor. Honestly, Sam wouldn’t be surprised if the difficulty and submission required at this moment were driving Craig’s needs higher.

He presses his lips to Craig’s, growling the words into his mouth, wanting to see how Craig reacts. “You confess. You give that to me. I want all of it.”

Craig grinds against him, cock spurting against Sam’s stomach, just from the order and how much he doesn’t want to do it. The urge to take more from Craig wells up within Sam, but he shoves it down because this is important.

“Yes, Daddy,” he says. “I… lied. Every time they asked me if I was fine with being submissive, I agreed, but said I didn’t want it. They didn’t know how much I wanted it until after the surgeries and experiments were all done. My final reward negotiation was changed, and I—”

“Changed? At what point?” A soldier’s leverage is before surgery and splicing, not after.

“I underwent all the treatments saying I just wanted to be given financial compensation when my service was done, but then afterward, right when it came time to sign and the alterations were complete, I said I wanted to be given to a Dominant. But that was what I wanted all along.”

“Oh, sweetheart, it’s okay,” he promises, mind racing as he tries to factor that into what he already knows, what it might mean for Craig and what he needs. How far Craig was willing to go to get his needs met.

Sam has been with many different types of submissives, but none of them have reacted like Craig. Most submissives just want to have their cravings satisfied. They have sex, and one or both of them sleep for a while and regroup, then come together again. There’s a pattern and a downtime.

There hasn’t been a normal amount of downtime. At every moment, the urge for more is there. His desire to give Craig more, Craig’s desire to have more, all of that sparks between them, as if they’re feeding off of each other.

It’s atypical.

For most submissives, their cycle hits, and what they want in the bedroom changes. A submissive might typically be a switch or even more dominant in the bedroom, but when they’re in their cycle, they’ll want to be mounted, want to be bred, and typically enjoy come play and marking. But none of those things have to be submissively done, either.

Submissive doesn’t automatically mean passive. He’s had more than one submissive demand he lie still or not move, be basically a prop for them to exercise their lust upon because they were only interested in getting their needs met with as little submission as possible.

All he knows about Craig is that he was deeply submissive before he was made submissive, and that was exacerbated by whatever was done to him. And now he’s with Sam, and the truth of the matter is that Craig is pretty damned hard to satisfy.

Almost as an experiment, Sam takes his fingers out of Craig’s bottom, resting the tips against the loose ring, feeling it spasm weakly.

Craig huffs and moves restlessly against him. “What are you doing?”

“Relax, you’re getting another,” he says, and Craig goes limp again, tilting his hips back in invitation. Craig is very hot and swollen, getting four fingers in isn’t easy, and it isn’t something he’d try with any other submissive because they’d want a break at this point.

Craig whimpers and whines as Sam presses forward. It’s a tight fit. “Poor boy is so sore,” he says, and Craig gasps a “yes,” sucking hard on Sam’s neck. His cock is slippery between them, the head squeezed against Sam’s stomach.

“Don’t stop,” Craig manages, and Sam fists a hand in Craig’s hair and forces his head to lift so he can see his face as he works his fingers in until his knuckles meet Craig’s slick, hot skin. Craig’s eyes are wide, pupils blown, cheeks flushed. He blinks hard, and tears slip down his cheeks. In anyone else, Sam would think this meant stop.

“How is that? Is that enough for my good boy?”

There’s a clenching and easing, pulsing against his fingers as Craig’s body adjusts to the invasion.

Craig’s nostrils flare, and he looks away.

“Honest, Craig. I demand that.”

“N-No,” he confesses.

Sam presses his fingers down gently, putting more weight into the gland and Craig’s prostate, and Craig’s eyes close. He moans softly.

“Do you like that?”
