Page 8 of Rancher Daddies

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His little cock and balls are ridiculously attractive, Sam thinks, desperate to let his fingers graze over the silken flesh. The urge to put his mouth on him is hard to resist. If he had to estimate how large the man would be when erect, he’d guess Craig would be lucky to measure out at four inches, and he would likely be rather slender. A cute little cock that will bob and drip as Sam fucks him. He should fuck Craig in front of a mirror so he can see it. Maybe even have the man on his back, though that will be uncomfortable for Craig with the knot to accommodate. Although he does have a reinforced anus and would be able to take the discomfort without ill effect.

The thought is so unlike Sam that it takes him aback. To be imagining Craig’s face as Sam pushes into him, how very different it will feel on his knot to take him that way, to wonder how the man will sound as he’s breached is a level of connection and selfishness he doesn’t usually feel. He’ll need to keep an eye on his own desires and not push past what Craig might be comfortable with.

He calls Dr. Beck back and tells him his concerns.

The doctor is unconvinced.

Sam tries to explain. “It’s excessive and selfish. I’m here to help him, so this should be about him. All I’m currently thinking about is knotting him and taking him face-to-face. That’s not normal for me. I think the Diazepam suppression is a good idea.”

Dr. Beck takesoff his glasses and rubs at the bridge of his nose. “We can have it ready, but we won’t start it unless you need it, and I’m not yet convinced you do. You have a tremendous amount of natural control, Sam. Let’s see how it goes.”

He walks away, leaving Sam to stand guard. This is ridiculous. He should go to his quarters and take a nap. He’ll come back once Craig is awake.

Sam doesn’t leave. And it isn’t long before he’s playing with Craig’s hair again, stroking his cheekbone, and dreaming of what it would be like to fondle his cute little cock and balls.

If Craig reacts well to having his cock played with, then Sam might be open to all sorts of possibilities. It will all depend upon how submissive Craig is upon waking, how submissive he stays during his cycle, and how comfortable he is with exploring his designation when he’s out of his cycle.

Just because he chose a reinforced anus and is submissive doesn’t mean that Craig is happy about his urges and his need to be bred and used. Between getting used to satisfying their partner and dealing with their body’s own desires, it can be very physically taxing. So it’s practically standard for a submissive to choose increased healing and blood flow.

It’s Craig’s other choices that are a little more unusual and hint at the possibility of him being a very satisfying bed partner. Having his prostate enlarged, the way Craig apparently did, is not standard. It can create issues for a submissive—difficulty in ejaculation, possible discomfort when aroused because the altered gland can get full and heavy—but it’s heaven for their partner. It strokes the knot and gets it to plump and fill faster. Sometimes the knot fills too fast, and the submissive isn’t stretched open enough for it to be pleasurable.

Which is why it isn’t something a lot of soldiers choose. It isn’t for them but for their partner. He can see hints of those decisions all over Craig’s perfectly sculpted body—the heaviness of his pecs, the layer of softness covering the muscle, the plumpness of his nipples, and the lack of body hair. All of Craig’s choices indicate a desire to be found appealing.

A submissive partner who is accepting and enthusiastic about the demands of their body is always preferred. The tragedies are those soldiers whose personalities don’t suit the needs of their bodies. The soldiers who struggle to give in or can’t give in have poor outcomes. Difficulty being bred, an inability to find joy in their situation, shame in being submissive, and denial of the needs they have; there are soldiers who can’t live with who they’ve become on the other side of their service.

Screening tests can only do so much. Craig was apparently screened rather extensively, though it was a long time ago now, and methods have changed. They don’t do anything the same way as they used to. He imagines the cock beneath the sheet caged, how it would look and feel. He looks up Craig’s body to his lips and wonders how his expression would change if he’s denied and locked away. Based on what he’s been told, there’s a possibility that Craig enjoyed the denial.

Does Craig have a preference for chemical castration or a cage? Would he want to be caged long-term? It’s hard to guess because the submissive soldiers all have different training and experiences, different tactics that were used on them to make them compliant and reinforce their submissiveness over the decades.

He’s seen soldiers refuse to be caged or even touched when their service is over. And then there are others who love caging and chemical castration because they’ve lived with it for so long that it makes them feel safe and secure.

Typically, it’s some mix of the two—soldiers love it and respond well to how they’ve been trained but struggle sometimes, usually when they’re out of cycle. There’s a primal resistance to being emasculated. Soldiers ask themselves how they can want that, how they can believe that’s a good way to go through life. Sometimes the cognitive dissonance is extreme and hard to live with.

“Your reaction to him bodes well,” Dr. Beck says. “Admittedly, you’re pretty close to your own cycle starting, but your interest in him is very strong.”

Sam nods, unsure what to say to such an obvious statement. He has enough experience with the way things are done to be aware that the government knowing when one really wants something isn’t typically a great idea. It goes in a file, is reviewed, and if it’s helpful to the cause, then god help you.

“I should finish my report and prepare for my leave,” Sam says and finds his hand hovering over the man’s groin, on the verge of touching him. He really needs to get some distance from this submissive.

He’d expected to start his leave in a few days, but he doesn’t have days before he needs this man. He’s aching behind his balls, and that’s a sure sign he’s ready to enter his release cycle. Likely, being in proximity to a submissive partner has helped push his needs forward. He doesn’t want to leave him, but he does have a job to do. Craig is safe. All is fine.

Dr. Beck promises to alert him the moment Craig wakes, and Sam goes back to the debrief, meets up with Jim, and they finish the report. He goes back to his quarters and files for his leave time, orders groceries and things he’ll need to breed his partner and care for him, then showers and eats. He lies down, just for a minute, and manages to fall asleep.

He’s so far down, his body preparing for release, that he doesn’t hear the message ding that alerts him to the fact that Craig is awake.


Craig doesn’t know where he is. He remembers the pain in his stomach, the horrible weakness as he frantically tried to escape before the charges went off. There was a thunderous boom, and then he was shoved forward from the explosion, a wall of heat at his back, and after that… there are bits and pieces. Pain and struggle as he forced himself to return to base. The shock on his mission leader’s face when he returned. He should be dead.

That’s his first coherent thought.

He tries to open his eyes but can’t. He attempts to take a deep breath, but it’s difficult. Panic spills through him, and he tries to suppress it. Just stay calm. He’ll wake up when he’s ready. He’s been trained for this.

Everything is okay.

He’s alive.

Christ, he’s fucking alive!
