Page 25 of Fire Daddies

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The tension in the car remains palpable, and I can feel Benedict’s eyes on me, full of questions I’m not prepared to answer. My fingers tap rhythmically on my thigh, a nervous habit I’ve had since childhood. The leather seat beneath me creaks softly with each movement, a reminder of the charged atmosphere surrounding us.

Our gazes lock for a moment, and I see a flicker of desire in his eyes before he looks away, focusing back on the road. The rest of the drive is quiet but tense, a symphony of unspoken emotions playing between us.

“Almost there,” Benedict announces, his voice tinged with excitement. I’m still unsure of our destination, but his enthusiasm is infectious, and I find myself looking forward to whatever he has planned for us.

The rain from yesterday has turned to a light snow that melts as soon as it hits the ground, and the car feels like an intimate cocoon that protects us from the cold outside. Streetlights cast a warm glow on the water-streaked glass, reflections dancing across Benedict’s face as he navigates the slick streets. His jaw tenses when he shifts gears, the muscles in his forearms flexing beneath his rolled-up sleeves.

“Harper,” he begins, stealing a quick glance my way before returning his attention to the road, “about that kiss earlier…”

My stomach flutters as the memory of our heated embrace floods my senses—the taste of his lips, the feel of his hands roaming over my body, the intoxicating scent of his cologne. It all comes rushing back, stirring a desire I’ve been desperately trying to suppress.

“Did it…mean anything to you?” he asks hesitantly, his voice barely audible over the hum of the engine and the steady rhythm of the raindrops.

I give him a look, one eyebrow raised, unsure of how to respond to such a loaded question. My heart races, and I can feel the heat rising in my cheeks as I grapple with the conflicting emotions swirling within me. How can I possibly put into words what that kiss stirred inside me? The passion, the longing, the undeniable connection that seemed to ignite between us?

The immense feeling of guilt.

Benedict chuckles softly, his eyes flickering to mine for just a moment. “Sorry, I know it’s a bit forward of me to ask,” he says, his cheeks flushing a deep shade of pink. “It’s just that…well, I don’t want to assume anything, Harper. But I also don’t want to pretend like nothing happened when it clearly did.”

His honesty catches me off guard, leaving me even more uncertain of how to proceed. On one hand, it’s comforting to know that he’s just as affected by our shared moment as I am. On the other, it only serves to complicate matters further—especially given that I’ve had sex with his roommate.

I bite my lip, struggling to find the words that will convey my confusion without hurting him. “Benedict,” I begin, my voice wavering slightly, “I…I don’t know. It definitely meant something, but…I’m not sure what that something is. I just have so much on my plate right now, and getting involved in the dating scene just isn’t a good idea for me.”

He nods slowly, his expression unreadable. “Fair enough,” he murmurs, his fingers flexing around the steering wheel. “I won’t push you, Harper. Just know that I’m here for you.”

The corners of Benedict’s mouth twitch upward, and he lets out a laugh that seems to chase away the tension hanging thickly between us. “Now, enough about kisses and complicated feelings. We’ve got something much more exciting ahead of us.”

I raise an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. “Oh? And what would that be?”

“We’re here,” he announces, pulling the car into a parking spot and turning off the engine. The sudden silence is almost jarring after our emotionally charged conversation.

“Where?” I ask, staring out at the seemingly nondescript building in front of us. From my vantage point, there’s nothing particularly remarkable about it—it’s just another indistinguishable part of the cityscape.

Benedict simply smirks, clearly enjoying the air of mystery he’s cultivated. “You’ll see,” he promises as he opens his door and steps out into the chilly winter air. Thankfully, it’s stopped raining.

“Follow me,” he replies, taking my hand and leading me toward the entrance. The anticipation builds with each step, my pulse quickening as we approach the door.

“Is this your big surprise?” I ask, glancing at the ordinary-looking façade. “It doesn’t look like much.”

“Appearances can be deceiving, Harper,” Benedict says cryptically, his eyes alight with mischief. He pushes open the door, revealing a dimly lit hallway that leads to another door.

“Come on,” he encourages, guiding me down the hallway. The scent of jasmine and sandalwood fills the air, creating an intoxicating atmosphere that heightens my senses.

“Are you going to tell me what this place is?” I inquire, my heart pounding in anticipation as we reach the second door.

“It’s a boutique.”

This place is a boutique?

The doors open, and I’m instantly immersed in a beautiful boutique that reminds me of what I’ve seen in the movies. It’s decorated gorgeously with clothes everywhere for any kind of event. It’s a place I would never come on my own because I don’t have to look at the price tags to know just how out of place I am here.



Apetite figure appears from within the shop, her dark hair framing her delicate face. Her big blue eyes seem to sparkle like sapphires as she flashes us an inviting smile.

“Harper, meet Petra,” Benedict says, squeezing my hand reassuringly. “She’s the owner of this lovely boutique.”
