Page 93 of Fire Daddies

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“Always,” Hudson replies, his gaze locked onto mine as he begins to lap at my core, making me go absolutely insane.

“Your turn, Benedict,” Hudson says after a moment, grinning as he relinquishes his spot to his friend.

“Harper, you have no idea how long I’ve wanted this,” Benedict confesses, his breath hitching as he dives in, his tongue dancing across my swollen flesh.

“Please…I need more,” I beg, my voice strained with desire. The sensation is overwhelming, the pleasure building to an unbearable level.

“Give her what she needs,” Hudson orders.

They gently roll me over to my hands and knees, and Benedict positions himself in front of me, his erection standing proudly before my face. I catch a glimpse of Antonio moving behind me, the anticipation making my heart race. I take a deep breath and lean forward to taste Benedict, wrapping my lips around his hardness. As I do so, Antonio slowly enters me from behind, filling me up completely. A gasp escapes me as I try to adjust to the sensation.

“God, Harper, your mouth feels incredible,” Benedict groans, his hand gripping a fistful of my hair.

“Harper…you’re amazing,” Hudson adds from where he’s watching the scene unfold before him, stroking himself as he waits for his turn to take me.

* * *

As the fourof us lie together, basking in the afterglow of our shared pleasure, I can’t help but marvel at this unexpected turn my life has taken. These strong, handsome men have shown me a level of desire and intimacy that I never could have imagined, and my heart swells with gratitude and love.

“Hey,” Antonio says suddenly, glancing over at the clock on the bedside table. “It’s midnight. Merry Christmas, Harper.”

“Merry Christmas,” I whisper back, feeling a wave of emotion wash over me. This moment, surrounded by these wonderful men who have come to mean so much to me, feels like the most perfect gift I could ever receive.

“Thank you,” I breathe out, my voice shaky with emotion. “I’ve never had a Christmas start like this before. It’s…perfect.”

Their eyes meet mine, a mix of happiness and passion reflecting back at me. Hudson leans in, pressing a tender kiss to my forehead. “We’re just getting started, Harper.”

“Absolutely,” Benedict agrees, his fingers tracing lazy circles on my hip. “This will be a holiday season you’ll never forget.”

“Promise?” I tease, a playful grin dancing upon my lips.

“Promise,” Antonio confirms, his hand squeezing mine reassuringly.



Harper steps into the living room, flanked by Benedict and Antonio, her face radiant with joy. “Morning, everyone!” Harper exclaims, her eyes sparkling like the twinkling lights on the tree. “Ready to open some presents?”

“Finally!” Olivia cheers, practically throwing herself at the mountain of gifts beneath the tree.

“Okay, okay, let’s start!” Peter chimes in, his eagerness palpable. He dives in alongside Olivia, their hands tearing at the colorful wrapping paper with an almost feverish intensity. The room fills with the sounds of ripping paper and excited laughter, creating a symphony of pure delight.

“Wow, this is amazing!” Olivia squeals, holding up her new art set, her eyes wide with wonder.

Peter grins from ear to ear as he reveals his gift—a top-of-the-line gaming console. “No way! This is the best Christmas gift ever!” he shouts, his voice filled with awe and gratitude.

As they continue unwrapping their gifts, I watch the joy and love filling the room and realize just how lucky we are. This isn’t just the best Christmas ever…it’s the beginning of a new, beautiful chapter in our lives.

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air, grounding me in this moment of pure bliss. I watch as Benedict balances a tray laden with steaming mugs.

“Here you go, everyone,” he says, passing out mugs with a smile that reaches his eyes. “Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. My mother sent over more gifts for all of us.”

Harper’s eyes widen, and she hesitates. “Oh, Benedict, that’s really sweet of your mom, but she didn’t have to do that. I think we have plenty.”

“Come on, Mommy!” Peter chimes in, his face smeared with chocolate from the treats we indulged in earlier. “There’s never enough when it comes to Christmas presents!”

Olivia nods vigorously in agreement, her excitement contagious. “Yeah! Can we please get them?”
