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“Like, ten minutes ago.” Unable to keep the smile off her face, Raina laughed. Gracie gave her a knowing look.

Raina could tell Gracie wanted to grill her for every little detail, but to her relief, Gracie simply pulled her plate closer and continued eating. Raina supposed she would receive the questioning later, from Gracie, Zara, and likely Anna as well. Her other roommate wasveryinvested in the Jesse-Raina saga.

“Here you go,” Jesse said triumphantly as he slid into Zara’s seat, handing Raina a plate. A heaping pile of pasta rested on the plastic—a delicious tomato penne that Tehilla had made.

“This is too much,” Raina protested but she picked up her fork and took a small bite.

“Eat,” Jesse said firmly. “Do I need to feed you myself?”

Raina’s face flamed at the thought. “No.”

“Shame, could’ve been fun.” Jesse winked at her.

“Jesse, that’s my seat.” Zara crossed her arms and loomed over her cousin.

Moaning dramatically, Jesse stood, taking the seat on Raina’s other side. “How rude, Zara. Kicking other people out of their seats.”

“Oh, I agree, that’s very rude,” a new voice spoke up. Raina craned her neck up to see Blake standing next to Zara, a small smirk on his face as he sat down in an empty seat. “Hello, everyone, how’s your day going?”

“Fine, thank you,” Gracie replied, the only one who made an attempt at being polite.

Raina, who didn’t know Blake, just nodded in response. Zara scowled and turned away to talk with Dean, Theo, and Nicole. Jesse flat out ignored Blake’s presence.

Blake hummed, taking a bite of his food. “So are math tests hard at Trinity? They were kind of a joke at my old school.”

“Yes,” Gracie responded. Raina, who knew her well, could tell that her voice seemed a little strained, but she figured Blake wouldn’t notice the difference.

“What about history essays?”

Jesse snorted. “Oh, fun, unless you’re in Kingston history. Then you’re doomed.”

Blake suddenly looked worried. “Are they hard?”

“Pure torture,” Jesse agreed.

“As in dungeon level torture,” Zara added wickedly, turning to face them briefly.

“Like getting electrocuted by an electric chair.”

“Like burning yourself alive.”

“No arson, Zara.”

“But it’s fun!”

“No arson, Zara.”

“I don’t know, I think arson sounds like a pretty good idea,” Theo volunteered.

Nicole clapped her hands delightedly. “Yes! That’s three now! We have converted another!” She high-fived Zara.

Raina frowned. “I don’t get it.”

“It’s a queer thing,” Zara explained, holding up her arm. One of Gracie’s beaded bracelets was hanging off her wrist.

“Pink, purple, blue?” Raina asked.

“Yep. Totally random colors.” Gracie shot a wink at Zara as she stood. “Well, I’ve got to be off. Lots of studying to do, scholarships to maintain, you know.”
