Page 38 of A Magical Christmas

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I’d missed my period yesterday and as I’d laid in bed last night, I’d known this was going to be the outcome. My cycle was like clockwork. I’d never been a day late in fifteen years. We’d had the most perfect vacation together over the New Year, then I’d decided to quit my job, and move up to the North Pole to be with Nicky permanently. I’d found out pretty quickly that I couldn’t bear to be apart from him, no matter what hogwash I’d originally thought about how easy a long-distance relationship would be.

I’d only been in the North Pole a few days, but the elves had welcomed me, despite the fact weren’t married yet, and I settled into the role of Nicky’s partner as if it was what I was always destined to become.

My powerful levels of magic meant I could zip us to London for a night if we wanted to visit our best friends, or back home to Salem if there was something I needed or wanted. I’d never travelled around so much or worked less. It was strange in a way. I’d quit my job because I wasn’t really enjoying it the way I’d pretended I was.

Nicky had been right about me. I’d been a big fish in a small pond for so long I didn’t know what it felt like to be challenged—to reach my full potential. “Maybe I should try doing another one,” I whispered aloud, staring at the box of three tests I’d bought an hour ago.

After breakfast I’d magically transported myself to the nearest pharmacy, bought a test packet, and come straight home to the bathroom to use it. I didn’t have to wait long. The test came back immediately positive.

My stomach twisted with worry. I didn’t need to do another test. One was enough. I knew tests could sometimes give false positives, but I knew this one was right. The timing with my cycle and my gut instinct were irrefutable proof of that. And even as a part of me worried about what Nicky was going to say, a strange squeal of excitement built inside of me.

I’d assumed we’d have more time together just to ourselves. I thought that our shared immortality might linger for a few decades so that we could really explore the world and grow together... But not now. Our child would start the human clock on my Santa Claus, and everything would change. It looked like everything about our unique relationship was fated to remain on speed dial.

There was a knock on the bathroom door. “You okay, sweetheart?” Nicky’s asked.

“Um... yeah. But you might want to come in.” Standing in front of the huge mirror, I just stared down at the test, thinking about how much my life was about to change.This is all so sudden.

“What’s wrong?” Nicky asked coming up behind me and sliding a hand around my waist. “Are you feeling unwell?”

Not yet, I mused.I shook my head, pursed my lips and picked up the test, holding it up in front of me so he could see it too. “No... but I’m pregnant, Nicky.” I watched his reaction in the mirror.

His eyes widened and his mouth dropped open. “You’re...” Then he twirled me around and grabbed me up in a huge bear hug. “You’re pregnant? Already? That’s fantastic!”

I laughed against his shoulder and hugged him back as I began to feel overwhelmed. “Yeah... it is. I think. But... I just thought we’d have more time together.”

“We’ll have all the time in the world!” Nicky exclaimed, hugging me tightly before pulling back to kiss me. “Oh sweetheart, this is amazing. We have to get married, now! How’s next week?”

I laughed even though my eyes were filled with tears. I felt like I was literally being barraged byallthe emotions in the world. “Next week?” I said. “You want a shotgun wedding, like Vegas style or something?”

His eyes crinkled as he tried not to laugh too. “No. Definitely not, beautiful. You deserve so much more. You deserve the fairy tale! And with your magic and that of the elves, I have no doubt we can pull it together in a week.”

I bit my lip, a million thoughts racing through my mind. “Yeah, I suppose so.”

He pressed his forehead to mine in gesture of pure love and comfort. “Everything is going to be fine, sweetheart,” he assured me. “Trust me, okay?”

I nodded and closed my eyes, allowing the trust I had in Nicky to wash over me like a soothing mist of serenity. The truth was, I knew nothing about pregnancy, or being a good mom. My own mother had been terrible—she hadn’t had a maternal or unselfish bone in her body. But as a woman who knew how to love, and knew what it was like to be without it, surely I’d be able to work things out as I went along?

I’ll be okay, I told myself as Nicky embraced me.I’m not alone in this. We’ll do this together and take it all one day at a time, just like we promised.
