Page 64 of Sex Education

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With my hands on her hips, I pulled her closer to me before we walked through the second set of doors and dipped my face into the crook of her neck. “You have a look, love. I can tell when you’re hiding something from me.” I curled my fingers into her sides. “Don’t make me tickle it out of you.”

She shrieked and jumped away from me, narrowing those beautiful eyes. “Don’t you dare, Professor Patton,” she said, clicking her tongue and shaking her head. “You know I’m extra sensitive there.”

My lips twisting into a smirk. “I could get it out of you in a different way.”

Those eyes lit up with excitement that she quickly contained. She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the side of the hall as other students walked in for class today. She grabbed my hands, intertwined our fingers, and rocked back on her heels. “Would we be able to try … you being harder on me?” she whispered. “Like, um, calling me mean names and maybe treating me like …” She fumbled on her words, her cheeks growing redder by the moment.

“You want me to degrade you?” I asked.

“Maybe,” she squeaked, hiding her face in my chest. “I mean, if you’re not—”

“What would you like me to call you?”

She snapped her gaze up to mine. “You’ll really do it?”

“I’ll give you whatever kind of experience you’d like, but first, you have to answer me.”

“Answer you?” she asked, furrowing her brow. “Y-you want me to tell you …”

“What you’d like to be called.”

“But I can’t do that!” she exclaimed. “It’s way too embarrassing.”

Smirk widening, I pulled our hands up to my mouth and pressed my lips against her knuckles, eyes on her. “Then, I guess—”

“Slut,” she whispered with the straightest face ever, and then she burst out into a fit of giggles. “And maybe a dirty … a dirty whore.” She pressed her thighs together, nipples hardening underneath her clothes. “Some other stuff too.”

“Are you sure you want that?” I asked.

I remembered a few weeks ago, when she had asked me if I thought she was easy for taking Sex Education and I didn’t want to break her down to tears like that ever again. But if she really wanted this, then I would oblige.

“Yes,” she whispered, blushing. “I’ve been thinking about it for a while.”

“Ask and you shall receive,” I hummed, taking her hand and leading her into Radiant. After pulling off her coat, I handed it to the woman in the coatroom. “Do you want to try it out tonight? I can switch some classes around.”

While she didn’t say anything, her lips were curled into a small smile.

“We’re going to have some ground rules,” I started. “Okay?”


Sierra stopped short, her gaze shifting behind me and her cheeks whitening. I glanced over my shoulder to see a guy about Sierra’s age saunter into Radiant like he owned the place, the two top buttons on his shirt undone.

“I, um …” Sierra said, swallowing. “Can we—”

“Look who it is,” the guy taunted, spotting Sierra. “Thought you’d be here.”

“Luke, what are you doing here?” she asked, making herself smaller behind me.

I shuffled in front of her and jutted out my hand. “Don’t think we’ve met.”

Luke hardened his glare at me, but placed his hand in mine. “Luke Carls, Sierra’s ex.”

“Steven Patton, Sierra’s professor.”

“Professor, huh?” Luke sneered.

After scooping up Sierra’s hand, I leaned toward Luke. “I’d tell you to enjoy the night, but an immature brat like you won’t be able to keep up with half the women here. But you can watch from the bar as I show your ex what being with a man is really like.”
