Page 11 of The Crown's Choice

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The boy’s cheeks flushed pink, and he stammered, “M-my friends dared me to get something from the prince! They didn’t think I’d actually do it!”

Amanda stifled a giggle, her eyes sparkling with amusement. “Well, consider your mission accomplished,” she told the youngster. “Now you can prove them wrong.”

“Thank you!” the boy exclaimed, clutching the napkin like a prized possession before darting off toward a group of children waiting nearby. They cheered and clapped as he triumphantly waved the napkin above his head.

“Children these days,” James chuckled, shaking his head. “They certainly are bolder than I was at that age.”

“Really?” Amanda asked, playfully raising an eyebrow. “I find that hard to believe, Prince Charming.”

“Believe it or not, I was quite shy growing up,” James confessed, feeling a warmth spread through him at her teasing nickname. “But I suppose we all have our moments of bravery.”

“Indeed,” Amanda agreed, finishing the last bite of her croissant.

After paying the bill, James and Amanda left the café and began the leisurely walk back to the palace. The sun was setting, casting a warm golden light over the town, and the streets were filled with couples strolling hand in hand or families enjoying an evening out.

As they continued walking, James found himself drawn to her every movement—the graceful sway of her hips, the way her hair caught the sunlight, the soft curve of her smile. He knew he had to tread carefully, not wanting to push her away by moving too fast, but his feelings for her grew stronger with each passing moment.

“I’d love to take a stroll around the gardens before we head in, if that’s all right with you?” Amanda suggested, her voice laced with hope.

“Sounds perfect,” he agreed, his heart racing at the prospect of spending more time with her.

And so, they walked, side by side, through the blooming gardens, sharing stories and laughter while the last rays of sun melted into twilight. It was a moment James would never forget, as it marked the beginning of his journey to win Amanda’s heart— a quest he hoped would lead them both to a lifetime of love and happiness.

AMANDA’S HEART RACED as she entered the ornate conference room, its walls adorned with majestic tapestries and elegant chandeliers casting a warm glow over the polished mahogany table. King Albert sat at the head of the table, his regal presence commanding attention. James stood by his father’s side, concern etched on his handsome face.

“Ah, Amanda, please join us,” King Albert gestured to an empty chair. “We need your expertise to help us navigate the danger James finds himself in. Please, sit down.”

“Of course, Your Majesty,” Amanda replied, settling into her seat. She could sense the gravity of the situation, but couldn’t help stealing glances at James. The memory of their laughter-filled walk through the gardens still brought a blush to her cheeks.

“Here’s what we know so far,” James began, unfurling a map on the table. “Our intelligence reports suggest that an enemy faction is plotting to infiltrate our borders and destabilize our government.”

“Oh my!” Amanda exclaimed, her eyes widening in alarm. “I thought it was just someone trying to hurt James. They want to bring down your entire country?”

“We must be vigilant and devise a plan,” King Albert stated, his voice firm yet reassuring. “Your training in international relations and diplomacy will be invaluable in this effort.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” Amanda said, feeling both flattered and humbled by his confidence in her abilities.

“First things first,” James chimed in, tapping a finger on the map. “We need to strengthen our border security and monitor any suspicious activity.”

“Right,” Amanda nodded thoughtfully. “We should also establish communication channels with neighboring kingdoms and seek their assistance in identifying potential threats. From my studies, I learned that you have good relations with your neighboring countries.”

“Excellent idea, my dear,” King Albert agreed, a smile playing on his lips.

As they continued discussing strategies, Amanda noticed James’s gaze lingering on her, admiration shining in his eyes. She felt a flutter in her stomach, her thoughts drifting to their earlier banter and the young boy who had wanted James’s napkin.

“Your Majesty, if I may,” Amanda interjected, her voice determined. “I believe we should also focus on promoting unity within the kingdom. The stronger the bond between your people, the less likely they will be swayed by outside forces.”

“Absolutely, Amanda” James chimed in. “We can organize events and initiatives that bring our citizens together and foster a sense of community.”

“Perfect,” King Albert concurred, clapping his hands. “Your input has been invaluable, Amanda. Together, we shall overcome this challenge and ensure the safety and prosperity of our beloved kingdom.”

As the meeting concluded, Amanda’s heart swelled with hope and determination. She knew that their path would not be easy, but with love, friendship, and teamwork, they could face any obstacle. And as she looked into James’s eyes, she couldn’t help but wonder if perhaps there was more than just friendship blossoming between them.

Chapter Five

The grand ballroom of the royal palace glittered with a golden hue as James and Amanda stepped through the entrance. They had been invited to attend an official gala, where they were expected to make appearances and mingle with the guests. The air was filled with soft laughter and hushed conversations, while the scent of fresh flowers wafted through the room.

James, dressed in a tailored suit that perfectly accentuated his broad shoulders, felt a mixture of excitement and nerves. Tonight was not just about fulfilling their duties; it was also an opportunity for him to get closer to Amanda. He knew he couldn’t resist her charm any longer, even though their budding relationship could complicate matters.
