Page 13 of The Crown's Choice

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Amanda watched the exchange, her mind racing with conflicting thoughts. She knew she needed to stay focused on her duty, but the undeniable connection she shared with James was a constant distraction. As she continued to keep a watchful eye on their surroundings, Amanda couldn’t help but steal one more glance at James, who met her gaze and offered another secret smile.

“Stay focused, Amanda,” she silently chided herself, knowing that the stakes were too high for her to become lost in daydreams. But as the evening wore on, it became increasingly clear that the line between duty and desire was beginning to blur—and Amanda found herself torn between her loyalty to her position and the growing feelings she had for the man she was sworn to protect.

“Ah, Your Majesty,” a woman with a tight smile approached them, her hand outstretched toward James. “I simply must tell you about my charity for abandoned kittens.”

“Of course,” James replied, his voice amiable. He reached out to shake the woman’s hand, but Amanda subtly intervened, smoothly placing herself between the two.

“Your Majesty, I do apologize,” Amanda said, smiling apologetically at the woman, “but we have another engagement we must attend to.” She had been told to keep James from being touched by others if at all possible.

James couldn’t help but admire Amanda’s skillful handling of the situation. Her assertiveness was both graceful and efficient. As they walked away, he leaned closer to her, whispering, “Thank you.”

“Part of the job,” Amanda responded, her eyes never straying from their surroundings.

“Still,” James insisted, his voice tinged with affection, “you do it so well.”

Amanda couldn’t suppress the small smile that graced her lips. They continued to weave through the crowd, Amanda acting as a buffer between James and any potential distractions. Each time she successfully guided him away from an admirer or troublemaker, James found himself even more captivated by her strength and grace.

“Your Majesty,” a man slurred his words, clearly intoxicated, as he stumbled toward them. “This is the best champagne I’ve ever tasted. You must tell me the name of it.”

“Actually, I think we’re just about to head out,” Amanda interjected, linking her arm through James’s protectively. She steered him away before the man could protest further.

“Really?” James raised an eyebrow, amusement flickering in his eyes. “I didn’t realize our schedule was so packed.”

“Only with avoiding unnecessary encounters,” Amanda quipped, her tone light and teasing.

James chuckled softly, the sound warming Amanda’s heart in a way she knew it shouldn’t. They shared another stolen glance, their chemistry undeniable even as they maintained their professional roles.

“Your Majesty,” an elderly woman approached them, leaning heavily on her cane. “May I have the pleasure of this dance?”

“Of course,” James replied, bowing slightly before extending his hand to the woman. As they moved onto the dance floor, Amanda watched from the sidelines, her heart swelling with affection for the kind-hearted future-king.

“Stay focused, Amanda,” she reminded herself, pushing away her blossoming feelings. But even as she tried to suppress her emotions, she couldn’t help but feel drawn to James.

A short while later, Amanda couldn’t help but notice the way James’s eyes sparkled as he laughed at a joke shared by one of the guests. The sight tugged at her heart, and she found herself wishing she could be the reason behind that laughter. She shook her head, mentally scolding herself for letting her feelings get in the way of her responsibility.

“Stay focused,” she murmured under her breath, scanning the room for any potential threats.

“Did you say something?” James asked, turning his attention to Amanda.

“Nothing important,” she replied, offering a reassuring smile before redirecting her focus back to their surroundings.

As the evening progressed, James seemed to find every possible excuse to keep Amanda close. He would engage her in conversation about books they had both read, their favorite spots in the kingdom, and even the latest trends in fashion—a topic Amanda found amusing, considering James’s general disinterest in such things.

“Really, James?” she teased, raising an eyebrow as he animatedly discussed the merits of a particular shade of blue. “I never took you for a fashion aficionado.”

“Ah, well, there’s much more to me than meets the eye,” he quipped, grinning playfully.

“Clearly,” Amanda agreed, her own smile betraying her amusement.

She knew she should be maintaining a professional distance, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to resist James’s charm. His genuine interest in her thoughts and opinions was both flattering and disconcerting. She was torn between the desire to protect him and the longing she felt for something more – something real.

“James, I need to check on something,” Amanda said abruptly, pulling away from their conversation. “I’ll be right back.”

“Of course,” he replied, watching her curiously as she disappeared into the crowd.

Amanda let out a frustrated sigh as she retreated to a quiet corner of the ballroom, her mind racing with conflicting emotions. She knew she couldn’t afford to let her feelings for James cloud her judgment, but the more time they spent together, the harder it was to deny her growing attachment.

“Get it together, Amanda,” she whispered to herself, taking several deep breaths in an attempt to regain her composure.
