Page 17 of The Crown's Choice

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“Wait, you’ve seriously never tried sushi before?” Amanda asked incredulously, her eyes wide with disbelief.

“As the future king, I’m really not supposed to have seafood,” James admitted sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “I think it’s a silly rule, but I won’t break it.”

“You can’t go through life without experiencing the joys of a spicy tuna roll.”

James chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. “Who knew I’d find a sushi evangelist hidden away in this library?”

“Hey, you never know what you’ll find here,” she replied with a grin, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

As they continued to explore, James noticed an inconspicuous door tucked behind a tall bookshelf. Curiosity piqued, he gently pulled on the ornate brass handle, revealing a narrow, dimly lit staircase.

“Have you ever been up there?” he asked, glancing at Amanda.

“Can’t say I have,” she responded, her own curiosity now ignited. “Shall we?”

Together, they ascended the winding steps, their anticipation growing with each step. The sound of their footsteps echoed softly against the ancient stone walls as they climbed higher and higher.

At last, they emerged onto a hidden rooftop garden, the setting sun casting warm, golden hues across the lush greenery and vibrant flowers. The sky was ablaze with fiery oranges and reds, reflecting brilliantly off the distant river.

“Wow,” Amanda breathed, her heart swelling with wonder.

“I didn’t know there was a secret passage to the roof,” James admitted, his voice hushed in reverence for the beauty before them. “It’s absolutely breathtaking.”

They stood side by side on the rooftop, leaning against the parapet as they took in the stunning view. The sun dipped lower and lower, casting long shadows across the tranquil garden.

“May I?” James asked tentatively, extending his hand toward hers.

“Please,” she replied, her heart pounding in her chest.

As their fingers intertwined, a surge of warmth radiated through their joined hands, sending shivers down their spines. They stood there, suspended in time, as the last vestiges of sunlight disappeared beyond the horizon.

Chapter Seven

Early the following morning, James and Amanda set out for their morning run. The palace stood proudly in the distance, a beacon of royalty amidst quaint townhouses and charming local shops.

“Isn’t it beautiful this time of day?” James asked.

“Absolutely,” Amanda agreed, her gaze scanning their surroundings for any potential threats. She was always on high alert, even during seemingly innocuous outings like this one. “But let’s not get too distracted.”

“Right, right,” James chuckled, a playful smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Can’t have my bodyguard slacking off, now can I?”

With that, they began their run, moving gracefully through the still-sleepy city. James led the way, his long legs propelling him swiftly down the cobblestone streets, while Amanda followed closely behind—but always a couple steps behind him, ever vigilant.

“Feels like we’ve been doing this forever, doesn’t it?” James mused aloud, sweat beginning to bead on his forehead. “Running together every morning, I mean.”

“Only a few weeks, Your Highness,” Amanda replied, her tone light but professional. “But I suppose time flies when you’re having fun.”

“Fun? Is that what you call keeping me safe from harm?” James teased, throwing a mock-glare over his shoulder.

“Let’s just say it’s never a dull moment,” Amanda retorted.

As they continued to weave through the city streets, James couldn’t help but feel a sense of contentment wash over him. For all the pressures and responsibilities that came with being royalty, he found solace in these morning runs—a simple pleasure shared with someone whom he had come to trust and perhaps even care for beyond her role as his protector.

“Your Highness,” Amanda interrupted his thoughts, her voice now all business. “I think we should turn back now. We’ve covered enough ground for today.”

“Very well,” James agreed, though a part of him wished they could keep running forever, escaping the confines of their lives within the palace walls. But duty called, and so they turned back, retracing their steps toward home.

A sudden gust of wind caught the corner of a newspaper, drawing Amanda’s attention to a nearby newsstand as they slowed their pace. Her eyes widened in shock as she spotted the front-page headline: “Royal Romance—Prince James and Enigmatic Girlfriend Amanda Caught in Tender Embrace!”
