Page 20 of The Crown's Choice

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“Maybe it’s time for a royal proposal,” he mused, rinsing off the soap suds as he pondered how to approach his father, King Albert.

With a plan in mind, James strode out of the bathroom, his bare feet padding softly on the marble floors. He quickly dressed before stepping into the hall to go see his father. The palace halls seemed to echo with anticipation as he made his way to his father’s study. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door.

“Come in,” boomed King Albert’s unmistakable voice.

“Father, may I speak with you?” James asked tentatively, stepping into the dimly lit room.

“Of course, my son,” King Albert replied, looking up from the thick leather-bound book on his desk. “What is the matter?”

James hesitated, suddenly feeling vulnerable under the weight of his father’s gaze. But he knew this conversation was inevitable, so he pushed aside his nerves and began.

“Father, I have fallen deeply in love with Amanda, my bodyguard, and I wish to ask for your permission to marry her,” he said firmly, meeting his father’s eyes.

King Albert raised an eyebrow, clearly caught off guard by his son’s request. “My dear boy, you’ve only known her for a short while. Are you certain this isn’t just infatuation?”

“Father, I’m sure,” James insisted. “She has captured my heart in a way no one else ever has. I can’t stand the thought of her leaving my side.”

“James, it’s a great responsibility to make someone your queen,” King Albert said cautiously. “Are you prepared for that?”

“More than anything, Father,” James replied with resolve. “I am ready to spend the rest of my life with Amanda, and I know she will make an exceptional queen.”

King Albert sighed heavily, his eyes reflecting the weight of his decision. “James, I understand your feelings, but you must realize that Amanda is an American commoner. It would be unprecedented for you to marry her.”

James felt his heart clench in his chest, but he refused to let his father’s words discourage him. He took a deep breath and began to share everything he had come to appreciate about Amanda, emphasizing her value beyond her status as a commoner.

“Father, please hear me out,” James implored. “Amanda has proven herself to be so much more than her background suggests. She’s fiercely dedicated to keeping me safe and has shown incredible bravery and resourcefulness. Moreover, Father,” James added, his voice growing tender as he envisioned their future together, “Marrying Amanda would mean grandchildren for you— another generation of heirs to carry on our legacy.”

As James spoke, he noticed a subtle change in his father’s expression. The king seemed to be considering his words, and hope began to bloom in James’s heart.

“Furthermore, she has become close friends with Eloise, helping her come out of her shell and find her own confidence,” he continued, recalling the blossoming friendship between his sister and Amanda. “And she has a passion for reading, which has not only expanded her knowledge but also made her an exceptional conversationalist.”

King Albert leaned back in his chair, studying his son’s earnest expression. “You make a compelling case, James,” he admitted, his voice softening. “However, I must consider the implications this marriage would have on our country and its people.”

“Father,” James said, his voice trembling with determination, “I truly believe that Amanda would be an asset to our family and our nation. She possesses the intelligence, compassion, and dedication that every ruler should strive for. And most importantly, she has captured my heart completely—something no one else has ever managed to do.”

The silence that followed was heavy with emotion, and for a moment, it felt as if time itself had stopped. At the mention of grandchildren, King Albert’s eyes softened. He couldn’t help but imagine little ones running around the palace, filling the halls with laughter and joy. It had been far too long since the sound of children’s giggles echoed through the royal residence.

“Ah, yes, grandchildren,” the king mused, a wistful smile gracing his face. “That would indeed be a blessing.”

“Imagine, Father, our family growing and flourishing with Amanda by my side,” James continued, his heart swelling with love for her. “Together, we could create a future filled with love, friendship, and happiness, not just for ourselves but for everyone in our country.”

King Albert couldn’t deny the sincerity in his son’s voice, and he found himself considering the possibility more seriously. James seemed so sure of his love for Amanda, and it was hard to ignore the passion with which he spoke.

Finally, King Albert spoke, his voice filled with the wisdom of a man who had seen many things in his lifetime. “James, my son,” he began, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. “I have always trusted your judgment and your ability to make the right decisions for yourself and our people. If you truly believe that Amanda is the one for you—and if she is willing to take on the responsibilities that come with being your queen— then I will trust your decision.”

“Thank you, Father,” James whispered, relief and gratitude washing over him like a warm tide. He was thankful his father understood, and he would be able to marry the woman he loved and still be able to inherit the throne. “I promise you, we will make a wonderful life together.”

“Wait, there is one more thing,” King Albert said, walking over to a small wooden box on the nearby table. He opened it slowly, revealing a stunning diamond and sapphire engagement ring nestled within. “This belonged to my mother, and I would be honored if you would give it to Amanda as a symbol of our family’s blessing upon your union.”

As James took the ring, feeling its cool metal and the weight of history in his hands, his heart swelled with gratitude and emotion. The intricate design of the ring, with its sparkling diamonds and deep blue sapphires, seemed to capture the essence of the love that he felt for Amanda.

“Thank you, Father,” James whispered, his voice thick with emotion. “I will cherish this gift and all that it represents.”

With the ring secure in his pocket, James strode out of the drawing room, his mind filled with visions of the life he would soon share with Amanda. He could hardly wait to propose to her and start their journey together, knowing that their love was strong enough to overcome any obstacle.

Through it all, the sun continued to shine brightly upon the palace, as if to bless the union of James and Amanda and shower them with happiness for years to come.

Chapter Nine
