Page 21 of The Crown's Choice

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James paced back and forth in his room, his heart racing as he contemplated the enormity of the decision before him. He had never felt so vulnerable and unsure of himself. How could he possibly win over Amanda? Surely, she was aware of the feelings he harbored for her, but she had yet to reciprocate them. Desperate for guidance, James knew there were only two people who could offer the help he so desperately needed: his siblings, Theodore and Eloise.

With a deep breath to steady himself, James set off in search of his brother and sister, hoping to find solace in their wisdom. As he wandered the halls of Theron Palace, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of comfort and warmth from the familiar surroundings. Eventually, James arrived at the library.

The scent of leather-bound books and polished wood filled the air, creating an atmosphere of intellectual serenity. In the center of the room, a plush rug and several oversized armchairs beckoned readers to curl up and lose themselves in the pages of their favorite novels.

There, amidst the quietude of this literary haven, James found his sought-after siblings. Theodore reclined in one of the armchairs, his nose buried in a book on medieval architecture, while Eloise sat on the floor next to him, her nose buried in a book as usual.

“Ah, there you are,” James said, trying to keep his voice steady as he approached them. “I was hoping I could find you both here.”

Theodore glanced up from his book, his eyes searching James’s face for any signs of distress. Eloise, ever perceptive, set her book aside and gazed at her brother with concern.

“James,” she said gently, “what’s troubling you?”

Recognizing the vulnerability in his eyes, Eloise and Theodore exchanged a knowing glance. They knew their brother well enough to understand that something significant weighed on his mind. As James took a seat beside them, he couldn’t help but feel grateful for their unwavering support.

Theodore’s keen eyes studied James’s troubled expression with undeniable concern. “What’s the matter, James?” he asked gently.

James hesitated, his gaze shifting from one sibling to the other, before finally settling on the flickering flames of the nearby fireplace. “Well, you see,” he began, struggling to find the words, “Father... Father has given me permission to propose to Amanda.”

“Really?” Eloise gasped, her face lighting up with excitement. “That’s wonderful news, James! But why do you look so glum?”

“I’m just... I don’t know how to convince her to marry me. I need your help.” James’s voice was laced with vulnerability.

Eloise’s eyes sparkled with mischief, and she clapped her hands together. “Oh, this calls for a grand gesture, James! Something that will sweep her off her feet and show her just how much you care.”

Theodore nodded in agreement, but added a note of caution. “Yes, a grand gesture would be good, but make it suit you both. Don’t just find some crazy grand gesture on YouTube and assume it will work.”

James sighed, considering their words. He knew they were right, but where would he even begin? “But what should I do?” he asked, feeling more lost than ever.

“Think about what Amanda loves,” Eloise suggested, her eyes alight with enthusiasm. “What makes her happiest, and then build your grand gesture around that.”

As the siblings spoke, James could see that Eloise’s romantic nature had taken over, her thoughts already swirling with ideas for amorous surprises and tender moments. Meanwhile, Theodore’s practicality kept them grounded, ensuring that any plan they devised would be rooted in sincerity and genuine affection.

For the first time since receiving his father’s permission to propose, James felt a flicker of hope. With his siblings’ guidance, he believed that he could win Amanda’s heart and create the love story they both deserved.

Theodore leaned back in his armchair, tapping his chin thoughtfully. “All right, let’s think about Amanda’s interests and hobbies. What is it that she truly enjoys?”

Eloise chimed in, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “She loves the outdoors! Maybe a surprise picnic in the royal gardens or even better, a private concert under the stars!”

“Those are lovely ideas, Eloise,” Theodore agreed. “But let’s keep brainstorming. We want to find the perfect gesture, something that will truly resonate with Amanda.”

James furrowed his brow, considering his siblings’ suggestions. As he thought about Amanda, an image of her curled up with a book by the fireplace came to mind. Her face would light up as she lost herself in the pages, her laughter filling the room whenever she stumbled upon a particularly amusing passage.

“Books!” James exclaimed suddenly, causing both Theodore and Eloise to startle. “Amanda loves books! She could spend hours in Eloise’s library, completely absorbed in her reading.”

“Ah, yes,” Theodore said with a knowing smile. “I remember now. I’ve seen her with a book sticking out of her bag more often than not.”

“Brilliant!” Eloise clapped her hands together. “So, what if we plan a romantic evening in my library? Just imagine: soft candlelight casting a warm glow over the shelves, her favorite books laid out for her to peruse, perhaps a cozy nook where you can share your heartfelt proposal...That’s the proposal Amanda deserves!”

James couldn’t help but smile at his sister’s enthusiasm. The idea was beginning to take shape in his mind, and it felt right. It felt like something Amanda would truly cherish.

“Thank you,” James said, his voice filled with gratitude. “I think this just might be the grand gesture I need. A night surrounded by the very things she loves, and a proposal from the heart. It’s perfect. I’d rather do it in your library rather than the larger palace one.”

Eloise nodded. “Of course!”

“Indeed,” Theodore agreed.

Eloise clapped her hands together, a sparkle in her eyes. “Oh! I just thought of something that could make the evening even more special!” she exclaimed. “What if you find a rare first edition of Amanda’s favorite book as a gift? It would show how much attention you’ve paid to her interests and be a unique and meaningful present.”
