Page 27 of The Crown's Choice

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“Very well,” Lord Percival said, nodding in approval. “I trust your judgment. But remember, my friend—we must be cautious. The walls have ears, after all.”

“Of course,” the Marquis replied with a sly smile. “But I’ve never been one to shy away from a challenge.” As they clinked their goblets together, sealing their alliance and shared aspirations, Christopher couldn’t help but feel a thrill at the prospect of outmaneuvering his rivals.

CHRISTOPHER STOOD BEFORE the grand fireplace in his luxurious study, a glass of aged brandy cradled in his hand. The fire’s warmth did little to quell the cold determination that had settled into his bones. He knew what he had to do—Amanda was a potential threat to his plans, and he couldn’t afford any loose ends. As he sipped his drink, he pondered how best to undermine her position.

“Maybe I could question her loyalty,” he mused, swirling the amber liquid in his glass. “Or perhaps spread rumors about her intentions. Yes... that would certainly cast doubt on her character.”

DAYS LATER, AT A LAVISH garden party hosted by one of Marquis Christopher’s loyal supporters, he put his plan into action. The guests mingled and laughed, completely unaware of the sinister machinations unfolding around them.

“Have you heard?” Christopher whispered conspiratorially to a group of fellow nobles, a mischievous glint in his calculating gaze. “I’ve heard rumors that dear Amanda has been meeting with foreign diplomats—quite suspicious behavior for someone so close to James, don’t you think?”

“Really?” one of the nobles gasped, casting a wary glance at Amanda, who was engaged in a lively conversation with another guest. “That doesn’t bode well.”

“Indeed,” the Marquis agreed, smirking as he watched doubt and suspicion take root in their minds. “We must be careful who we trust these days.”

Later that day, Christopher saw his chance to confront Amanda directly. He found her alone near the edge of the garden, admiring the vibrant colors of the flowers.

“Ah, Amanda,” he greeted her smoothly, his voice dripping with cordiality. “What a pleasure it is to see you here.”

“Marquis Christopher,” Amanda replied, her voice warm but guarded. There was something about the marquis she couldn’t quite trust.

“Indeed,” he said, stepping closer to her and lowering his voice. “You know, I must say, I’ve heard some troubling things about you lately.”

“Really?” she asked, her brow furrowing in confusion. “What sort of things?”

“Nothing too serious, of course,” Marquis Christopher lied, feigning nonchalance. “Just whispers about your intentions—specifically concerning our dear James.”

Amanda’s eyes narrowed, but she kept her composure. “And what do you think? Do you believe these baseless rumors?”

“Who’s to say?” he replied dismissively, lazily swirling the wine in his goblet. “All I know is that people talk, and sometimes, those words can have powerful consequences.”

“Is that a threat?” Amanda challenged, her voice steady.

“Merely a friendly warning,” he assured her, his expression unreadable. “I would hate for anything...unfortunate to happen, especially to someone as lovely as yourself.”

“Your concern is touching,” Amanda retorted, her tone dripping with sarcasm. “But I assure you, my loyalty to James is unwavering.”

“Very well,” Marquis Christopher conceded, raising his glass in a mock toast. “Let’s hope, for both our sakes, that remains true.” With that, he turned on his heel and disappeared into the crowd, leaving Amanda to ponder the significance of their encounter and the danger lurking just beneath the surface of their seemingly idyllic world.

Chapter Twelve

James was just settling into his favorite armchair with a steaming mug of tea when his phone rang, shattering the quiet of the room. The shrill tone seemed out of place in the cozy space, and he fumbled to answer it, spilling tea onto the rug in the process.


“James! It’s Father,” came Eloise’s frantic voice from the other end. “He’s had a heart attack!”

The words hit him like a ton of bricks, and his chest tightened with worry. “What? How— is he—”

“Rush to the hospital, James. He’s there now.”

“All right, I’m on my way.” James hung up without another word, his mind racing as he grabbed his jacket and keys. He couldn’t believe what he’d just heard. His father, the strong and steady king, had always been a pillar of strength for him and the kingdom. The possibility of losing him was too painful to bear.

As James drove through the streets, his thoughts turned to happier times with his father. They’d shared countless lazy afternoons fishing by the river, and many long conversations under starry skies. His father was not only his guide but also his closest friend. James had never felt so vulnerable, unsure of how to navigate life without his father’s wisdom and guidance.

“Please be okay, Dad,” he whispered, gripping the steering wheel tightly as he sped toward the hospital.

Arriving at the hospital doors, James burst inside, his eyes darting around to find any familiar face that could give him answers. His heart raced, fueled by fear and the overwhelming uncertainty of his father’s fate.
