Page 17 of A Snake By Name

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“Krista, you have proven to be one of the very best that I’ve seen at the forge. Thus, I wanted to take the opportunity to talk to you some more.”

“Interesting. You don’t seem like the talkative type.”

I think I hear him chuckle but a roar of the wind masks it, leaving me unsure.

“I’m not an open book, that much is for certain. The reason why I have you out here, though, is because I believe in building good morale with those who I see being mainstays in my team.”

“A mainstay?” I ask.

“Yes. You won’t believe the rate of turnover we have in positions outside the regular army. Irian’s had nearly fifty faces working in that forge. Many of them left because they couldn’t get the hang of it. You, though, Krista, are skilled and tough, refusing to give up with your injured hands.”

“I thought you looked down on that?” I say, gesturing to my hands.

“Still, it is an admirable trait. I hope you’ll continue to learn from Irian.”

Despite his words, I’m not getting the feeling that I’m out here for a performance review, only leaving me to wonder if he has me isolated for a whole other reason, the reason that I want him to.

We continue chatting as he guides me through the various turns and twists of the maze-like gardens, each time placing his hand on my back.

We come to a secluded area at the rear, accompanied only by a worker tending to a row of flowers some distance away. Lasta guides me to a stone bench situated beneath the moonlight, keeping his eye on the worker.

Why is he staring at him?

That’s when I see it for the first time, a full smile on his face. I almost regret the words I say next, trying not to wither away from embarrassment when I hear them come out unexpectedly.

“You have a handsome smile for someone who’s always frowning.”

He chortles as he takes a seat beside me, noticeably close.

Why does he want to spend so much time with me lately? He’s a captain of the royal guard. Surely he’s a busy man.

His wanting my company only draws me closer to him in my heart. Part of me can’t believe I’m out here in the gardens with him. The only thing that would make this better is for the gardener to leave us be.

Don’t get too eager,warns the voice in my head.Lasta is a hard man to read. You could be wrong about all of this.

I know deep down that my head isn’t trying to dampen my spirits. Since arriving on the castle grounds, it had been nothing but one disappointment after the after, and so I had grown used to never getting what I wanted.

Only one way to test it.

“Captain, I apologize if this is too forward or if I am talking out of turn. But I really appreciate you taking an interest in getting to know me.”

I turn to him with a keen eye, eager to hear his response. Nothing in this world could have prepared me for it.

“Well, of course, Krista. You’re the diamond in the dirt of the forge.”

I gasp and almost choke with shock, but a sudden gust of wind sends my hair sprawling over my face. I blink a few times, each time seeing Lasta move closer through the wisps of my hair.

His hands brush my hair out of my face, tucking them behind my ear. At that moment, he angles his face towards the moonlight, his golden eyes shining brighter than ever in its reflection.

The sound of the gardener’s footsteps turns both of our heads in his direction. My heart jumps with glee when I see him walking away, realizing that it’s now just Lasta and I.

I turn back, seeing the same look of exhilaration in his eyes. As if by magic, we spring towards one another, our lips locking in passionate heat.

I can tell by the way he wraps his arms around me that he’s wanted me for a long time. I’m going to give him everything he wants for being so patient.


