Page 49 of A Snake By Name

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“Are you… giving me a choice?” I ask, realizing he’s telling me I have one last chance to give up Krista. His smile is response enough.

I look down, shaking my head. “Why, Selliss? Why are you doing this to me?”

“Because we need all efforts focused on the possible warfront.”

“You don’t know what it’s like to love, and I can see why now.”

“Love?” he quips, bursting out into laughter. “Ha! Loving a human. You’re just like the rest of the disillusioned bastards snatching up human mates like it’s some sort of trend.”

“It’s far from that.”

“Enough is enough, Captain, no matter what you say. Honestly, I expected better from you knowing that what you’re doing is the very cause of the ongoing hostilities between us and every fucking region in Nagaland.”

“You can’t…” I mutter, beginning to feel breathless. “You can’t force me to do anything.”

“I can if I think you’re being a selfish bastard. How about you think of the good people of Lodra and what will happen to them if you only worsen things? Think with your damn head instead of your pair of cocks.”

“Krista.” I groan.

“Still thinking about her? Tell her she can run off with two humans and reap the same pleasures.”

“Hey!” I snap. “Leave her out of this.”

“That’s really rich coming from you, considering you’re the one who should have left her out of your business… But no, you just had to go and fuck her, didn’t you?”

“I’ve had enough of this.”

“Fine! But I highly suggest you consider my offer and make the right choice, for Krista’s sake.”

I leave the room and head directly to my private quarters. I lock my door behind me and take a seat on the edge of the bed, restricting the urge to scream.

The worst part is that I know Selliss is a hundred percent right. War is looming closer than ever, rearing its ugly head over the horizon for all citizens and soldiers of Lodra to see.

It doesn’t matter how stupid the reasons are for others wanting to go to war. I’m a part of the problem, and my responsibility as Captain of the Royal Guard is to keep our nation and its people out of harm’s way.

Yet what good is trying to protect us all from the other regions if internal conflict breaks out here in the castle?

I know deep down that if knowledge of Krista and me becomes public, enough soldiers would turn on me. For some, it might be their own personal belief. Others would just resent what they felt was a threat to Lodra’s security.

The world is already mad. I can’t risk the ever-increasingly fragile peace that somehow still exists within the palace walls.

“I don’t know if I can do this… I love Krista too much to let her go.”

But if you loved her, you would not willingly do anything to put her in harm’s way.

I try to find any other way out that I can, any light at the end of the tunnel, but my mind works against me, imagining what horrible consequences would be inflicted upon Krista if Selliss’ men got to her.

The effects of her and I seeing each other are slowly revealing itself to be far worse than I ever anticipated.

“I know what it is I must do.”



Lasta left a short while ago with a worried look on his face. Ever since, I’ve been cautiously keeping a lookout for him, trying but failing to focus on my duties at the forge.

Because of my mind wandering, I accidentally cut my hand. Where I once found pleasure, I now find plain old agony.
