Page 59 of A Snake By Name

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The morning quickly becomes the afternoon in Slyth’s office as we strategize what to do with Selliss. Killing him isn’t an option, and we can’t do anything that will cause any sort of attention. It must be something that will be discreet and no one would bat an eye to.

I’m near giving up when Slyth perks up from behind the document he holds. He smacks his face with his palm, and I stare at him bewildered.

“I think the lack of sleep is getting to me. We had the answer right in front of us the whole time!” he exclaims. He shows me Selliss’ personal documents. “Have you sent out any soldiers to any of the forts?”

“Not currently. I don’t want to send out too many and give the impression that we’re preparing for war. That could be the tipping point that causes one of the regions to attack first.” I explain.

“Good, then now can be a good time to exchange soldiers.”

My mood lifts, already knowing where this conversation’s headed. I grab a map from one of his stacks and open it up.

“Right now, I have my soldiers guarding the border by the mountains. Others are on the coastline, bordering Wildspont Base. They’re scattered by the forest area but their positions aren’t concrete.”

“Good, what about the border with Marzula?”

“I think that spot is empty. I have been thinking of sending a group over there in case we have to negotiate with Marzula.”

Slyth grins. “There’s your answer. We send Selliss out of here with a few other men we have reason to expect to raise a fuss. We order them to guard that territory. If he’s that worried about war, he’ll see this like a promotion. He’ll lead a team, thinking he’s doing his part as a soldier. And he won’t be here to cause problems with the other men.”

I nod, the idea growing on me. “Let’s do it then. But you’ll be the one to send them out this time. I don’t want him to be more suspicious than he already is of me.”

“Don’t worry about that.”

Everything’s finally getting into place, thanks to Slyth’s help. With this, it gives me more hope I have a chance to secure a future for me and Krista without interference.

Even if I’m not sure if she wants me at this point.



It was only yesterday that Lasta accidentally admitted that he loved me, but I haven’t stopped thinking about it since. All day, as I was babysitting the royal babies, it replayed in my head over and over.

Now as I sit in the garden alone, I think back to my first conversation with Aurora and Lorelai and how they told me that you have to fight for what makes you happy, because you don’t know how much time you have to enjoy that happiness.

The more I think about it, the more I know what I have to do.

“Something on your mind?” Lorelai asks me.

“Actually, yes. I-I have to do something, but I don’t know if I can do it.”

An expression of concern takes over her face, and she furrows a brow at me.

“Is this something going to harm you?” she asks.

I immediately deduce what she’s hinting at. I’ve caught her looking at my arms where my bandages are hidden on more than one occasion. While I have no idea how she found out about the self-harming, it’s obvious that she did.

“Oh! No, it’s not like that. Actually, this has to do with Lasta.”

“Does this have to do with whatever he said to you yesterday?”

“Yes, it does. He accidentally told me he loved me, and then ran off.”

She gasps, smiling widely at this news.

“Oh, Krista! This is good… Right?”

“It is. It shows that he has real feelings for me. And I want to go and tell him that I feel the same way… that I love him, too. I just don’t know if I have the courage to do it. What if he still rejects me?”
