Page 66 of A Snake By Name

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“He was so grateful that when he finally decided to ask her to be his mate, he knew that he had to do a big gesture. He needed to win her over properly. And so, he planted this garden. For her.”

My palms are sweaty and my heart is thudding in my chest as Lasta turns to me.

“That is why I brought you here. I couldn’t plant you an entire garden, but I wanted to win you over properly.”

His voice has never been more serious, and hope shines in his eyes.

“What are you saying?” I ask him, my voice hoarse.

“What I’m trying to say, what I’m trying to ask, is… will you be my mate? Will you remain with me forever, by my side for eternity?”

I am stunned into silence, and I do not miss the look of worry that quickly crosses Lasta’s face.

I finish my wine as I process his words.

“Of course I will. I have wanted to be with you forever since the first time we spoke.”

My voice cracks on the last word, and Lasta pulls me into his arms when I start sobbing.

“Are you okay?” he asks me almost frantically and strokes the back of my head.

“I’m fine.” I hiccup the words. “I’m perfect! I love you so much! And you’ve made this so perfect.”

I continue crying as Lasta bursts into laughter, and I feel his shoulders relax.

“I cannot wait to be bound to you forever,” Lasta tells me a little while later after we have gotten up from the loveseat.

Now we are laying in the grass, holding hands, and thinking about the future.

“Are we going to have a ceremony?” I ask him timidly. I am not entirely sure what his customs are.

“Yes, of course!” Lasta says, and I have never heard him this excited. “We’ll have an entire mating ceremony! And then we’ll start life together, as mates.”

“I can’t wait, either,” I tell him after he explains how a mating ceremony works.

“What I can’t wait for the most.” Lasta turns to me, a bold smile on his face. “Is to fill your belly with my babies. I want eight of them, like Zalith and Aurora.”

My cheeks grow warm, and something blooms in my chest as I think about having Lasta’s babies.

“Krista,” he groans. “I’m going to have the healer release my eggs so I can pump you so full they never come back out. So that I can see you swollen with my release.”

My thighs clench together at his words. “I want that to.”

He leans in. “You do?”

“I didn’t think I’d have a future. I thought my life would start and end in my role as a slave. You’ve given me so much. I can’t thank you enough.”

Lasta’s eyes flash, and he cracks a grin.

“I’ll continue to give you everything you want and need for the rest of your life. That is my job. To protect and take care of you.”

I snuggle against him, and we spend the next few hours laying in the grass, talking about the future.

We have already picked out baby names and have designed our future home by the time the sun is hanging lower in the sky.

“Zalith has already agreed to give us a house on the palace grounds,” Lasta says. “So you’ll finally have your own space.”

“I’d love that,” I say sleepily. My body is warmed by the sun and the wine we have been drinking.
