Page 72 of A Snake By Name

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“Wow, this is some expensive zhisk,” he notes, sniffing the glass in front of him.

“I’m not surprised. The Princess loves spoiling us.”

“Did she visit you today?” he asks as we begin eating.

“She did! I got her to tell me a little more about what the birth will be like. I get the feeling that she doesn’t want to scare me, so she hasn’t been saying too much.”

“Good thinking on her part. What did she tell you today?”

“Not too much, she just told me what to expect on the day of the birth. She told me about her own birth and how long it took.Five hours just to get all eight babies out! And that isn’t even counting how long she was in labor before the first two popped out! Plus ten healers on standby! What on Protheka could you possibly need ten healers for?”

“Well, humans giving birth to naga isn’t always the safest. The babies will be hatching out of their eggs before you give birth to them. With eight eggs, this can be dangerous,” he explains.

“But I’ll be okay, though, right? Aurora was okay.”

“Of course, nothing bad is going to happen. I will make sure of it. We will have just as many healers on standby as she did. And Aurora can be there for moral support if you want. Whatever you need, I will make sure you have it. It is my responsibility to make sure that you are cared for properly.”

“I know you will. Thank you, Lasta. How is your roasted taura?”

“It’s amazing. I haven’t had taura this good in ages. They don’t usually roast it around here, it’s mostly grilled. You don’t get as much flavor when it’s grilled.”

“I’m glad you like it.” I smile contentedly.

It’s nice to be the one doing something for him for a change, although I know better than to get too used to it. I even notice him taking a nice long swig of the zhisk.

“How was your check-up with the healer today?”

“It went well. She said the eggs are growing at the rate they should and that I have just the right amount of fluid. Everything is looking perfect!”

“I’m sorry that I couldn’t be there for this one, I had planned on it, but then something came up that I had to attend to. Since I’m going to be taking a little time off after the babies come, I didn’t want to start shirking my duties now.”

“It’s perfectly fine. Lorelai joined me for this one.”

“I will join you for the next one. It is my responsibility.”

“Okay,” I say, knowing better than to fight him on this.

“I can’t wait for them to arrive,” he says between drinks of the zhisk.

“Oh, same! I wish they would just come already! I can’t wait for us to have our little babies running around here! I’ll have to show you the new decorations I’ve picked out for the nursery.”

“It’s already so beautiful in there. You’ve done an amazing job.”

“Will you help me pick out the cribs tomorrow?”

“Absolutely, I want them to start hand-making them as soon as possible.”

“Do we have a date for our mating ceremony yet?” I ask.

Lasta has been handling everything to do with the mating ceremony. He said that it is going to be a traditional one, but that he doesn’t want me doing any research on it or being involved in any of it because he wants it to be a surprise.

The only thing I’m allowed to do is pick out my dress, which Aurora and Lorelai have been helping me with.

“Two weeks from today. I don’t want you to get too much farther in the pregnancy, otherwise, you won’t get to enjoy the ceremony as much. Everything is pretty much already taken care of. I just have a few finishing touches to make on a couple of things.”

“I asked Aurora about her ceremony,” I start.

He immediately stiffens. “And? What did she tell you?” His tone shifts, and I can tell he is definitely annoyed at this.
