Page 76 of A Snake By Name

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Those fucking traitors!

I didn’t think that Prince Zalith, Slyth, and Lasta had it in them to betray me as cruelly and as blatantly as they have done.

But they have. They have betrayed me simply because I don’t want the royal bloodline to be tainted by filthy human blood.

Prince Zalith ‘mating’ with a human woman was bad enough, but now both the royal advisor and the captain of the royal guard have human mates.

And because I objected to this, because I wanted to maintain our customs and keep the naga population pure, I have been shunned.

At first, when I got this assignment to guard one of Lodra’s most vulnerable territories, close to the border between Lodra and Kario, I thought it was a great honor.

But now I realize that they simply wanted to get me out of the way, away from the palace, where I couldn’t voice my opinion.

“We need you to secure the territory,”I remember Prince Zalith and Lasta’s words.“If a war is coming, we need someone with your expertise to take care of things there.”

I sigh as I think about how stupid I was. But I do not regret that I voiced my opinion. Clearly, someone has to because all the naga in the palace are losing their morals and values.

Then I get up off the little cot, and leave the tent.

Several soldiers were sent with me, and I know that they’re as unhappy as I am, although none of them will say it out loud out of respect for me.

This part of Lodra is as beautiful as the rest of the kingdom, but it is beautiful in a wild and desolate way.

There are creatures here that do not exist close to the center of Lodra. Creatures that would gladly tear us apart without a second’s thought.

“Attention!” I shout, and the rest of the soldiers stand immediately. “We’re setting up a post here! We brought the supplies with us, so split into groups and assign yourself a task.”

They don’t hide their grumbling, and as their officer in charge, I have the right to punish them for any dissension.

But I feel exactly the same way as they do, so I do not bother with any punishments.

“We’ll have to hunt,” I speak under my breath. We brought supplies with us, but only enough for a week.

And the gods only know how long I’m going to be stuck out here.

The day is long as we start setting up a post here. At the end of the day, one of the soldiers comes up to me.

“Do you really think we’re going to war?” he asks me. He is a new recruit, and his anxiety is obvious in his voice.

I shrug tiredly.

“Well, now that practically every one of the most important nagas in Lodra are fucking human women, a war is inevitable.”

More soldiers gather around me.

“According to Prince Zalith, Princess Aurora is his mate. And Slyth said that, too. And Lasta.” One of the other soldiers points out.

“I don’t want to hear talk about those human sluts, who are only giving their pussies up to get out of a life of slavery. They’re clearly smarter than the naga males they are with.”

I grunt the words out as I look at the plans that one of the soldiers has come up with for the post.

“We shouldn’t speak about the royal family like that,” the soldier who spoke previously says in a hushed voice.

“I’ll speak about them any way I want to,” I snap. “They have completely ruined Lodra, and that is why war is coming, and that is why we are here. Because they couldn’t do the decent thing and mate with the beautiful naga women that are available all over the damned place.”

I dismiss the soldiers after that, and we all go about our tasks.

The post is halfway done by midnight, and while all the soldiers go back to their tents, I stay up and continue working.
