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It wasn’t the words themselves that intrigued me, but Lorik’sreactionto them.

A barely perceptible flinch, a brief widening of the eyes.


Didn’t his family know he was here, on this far-flung moon, contemplating the purchase of a mine?

And if he could make such a significant decision without informing them, just how wealthy were they?

“But how?” I finally said, breaking the silence that had settled between us.

The atmosphere was thick with tension, and I could hear Lorik’s slightly labored breathing.

Now wasn’t the time for lengthy reflections.

I shook off the surprise and focused on our immediate predicament.

The attic was stifling, and I could feel sweat forming on my forehead, sliding down my neck, leaving a trail of cold moisture.

I could smell the old wood, mixed with a tinge of dampness.

The room was a cacophony of memories — faded, forgotten, and now holding two prisoners with an uncertain future.

Drawing on my instincts, I approached the window. “Maybe, just maybe, if we combined our strength,” I mused.

But even as the words left my lips, the reality of the sturdy bars mocked the idea.

Lorik shook his head. “It’s no good. They’re too strong.”

His voice trembled slightly, and I saw a vulnerability in him that both moved and frightened me.

I touched his arm lightly, feeling the coolness of his scales under my fingers. “We’ll find a way out,” I whispered, the determination steeling my voice. “Together.”

He looked at me, and for a moment, the weight of our situation seemed to lift.

We were two against the world, and no matter what lay ahead, we were in it together.

But the clock was ticking, and we needed a plan.

Determined, I began to search the attic.

Every nook and cranny, every corner, every piece of old furniture.

I could feel the coarse wood under my fingertips, the cold metal of discarded items, and the soft texture of old fabrics.

The more I searched, the more the reality of our situation pressed upon me.

But I refused to give in to despair.

Lorik watched me, occasionally helping, his mood shifting between hope and resignation.

As the hours passed, the attic grew colder, the minimal light fading.

My senses heightened, the distant murmurs of the town, the unique scent of this world, all blending into a tapestry of our shared predicament.

And as night began to descend, casting the attic into deeper shadows, I couldn’t shake the weight of the secret between us.

We were bound together by fate, trapped in an attic with a world of mysteries waiting to unfold.
