Page 80 of Deja Brew

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Sure, I’d dated. But it never really got serious enough to meet anyone’s family.

This felt really freaking important.

Becausehewas really important.

Starting that conversation in bed the night before had been really difficult for someone who wasn’t used to closeinterpersonal relationships. But I couldn’t have been happier about how it turned out.

I mean the man had practically invited me to move in.

“You sure you’re not in a relationship with Barry?” I heard a woman’s voice asked, tone teasing. “Because he sounds like he’s in love with you.”

“Oh, he is,” I said as I walked out. “I have just accepted that I have to share Junior with Barry,” I added.

I don’t know what I’d been expecting from Junior’s mom. But she was tall and slim with long legs, and shoulder-length dark brown hair. She was dressed casually in jeans and a long-sleeve blue tee.

No makeup.

No jewelry.

But stunning without any of that.

“Don’t fucking rub it in,” Junior demanded, wrapping an arm around my waist as soon as I got close enough, and pulling me close to his side. “Ma, this is Shale. Shale, my mom, Alex.”

Alex’s gaze slipped to her son’s arm around my waist, then back up, the ghost of a smile toying with her lips.

“Breaker said you were gorgeous,” she said. “I love your hair,” she added.

“Oh, thanks. It’s ever-changing,” I told her.

“I hear you have the best coffee in Navesink Bank,” she said. “I can’t wait to check out your shop.”

“Yeah! I hope I can get it reopened somewhat soon. I have to go track down some contractors or… what?” I asked at her little laugh.

“Oh, honey,” she said, shaking her head at me. “One thing you learn about getting involved with one of these men, it’s that they’re problem solvers,” she said.

“I don’t understand. Did you contact someone already?” I asked, looking up at Junior. When would he have had the time?

“No,” he said. “It was on my list today.”

“You can mark it off,” Alex said. “Your father left at the crack of fucking dawn this morning, his truck packed down with tools. I imagine he’s been at Deja Brew with Paine and Shooter, working on things since then.”

“That’s…” I started.

“Incredibly invasive and completely overstepping?” Alex filled in with a knowing smile. “Yep. Pretty much. I’ve learned that it’s useless to try to remind their stubborn asses about that kind of thing, though.”

I loved his mom.

Really, I didn’t need to spend another moment with her to decide that.

She wasn’t going to be one of those monsters-in-law.

She was every bit as chill as Junior had claimed.

“In that case, I guess I shouldn’t keep trying to talk your son into going to get a scan of his head?” I asked, watching her brow go up.

“Damnit,” Junior grumbled with a sigh.

“You didn’t tell her you were knocked out cold with a blow to the head?” I asked, clucking my tongue. “I’m assuming he also didn’t tell you he was grazed on his side either.”
