Page 36 of Partner Material

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“I would be so hard for you. Like I am now.” My eyes dropped to his erection and I swallowed a groan. The length of it tented his sweats and I could see the outline of the thick head.

“And then I would pull you back onto my lap and ease you onto my cock.” He gripped my hip tighter, his thumb so teasingly close to where I ached. “Can you feel how big I am? It’s tight but it will be a perfect fit, I promise.” My thighs trembled and I closed my eyes. “That’s right sweetheart. Picture it.” He spoke the words reverently into my skin. “I’m dragging you over me, thrusting up. You’re so wet for me and you’re making a mess of my suit, but I don’t care. I’m pulling you back again and you feel so full, so good.”

I let out a gasp and he rewarded me with a finger on my lips. I dipped my tongue out to taste his salty skin and his shudder rippled through me. “You’re so close. I’m about to push you over the edge and oh, how I wish I could see your face when you soar. I put my hand over your mouth and slam you over my cock one final time.” His hand was over my mouth and I was drowning in lust. If I just squeezed my thighs together, I would finish. I hovered there, so close, waiting for him to finish the fantasy he was spinning for us both. But no words came.

“Andrew, please,” I said into his hand. I couldn’t hold the words back.

“Yes, little tyrant.” He dropped to his knees and I felt the slide of my leggings and then his wonderfully soft hair against my inner thighs. “You’re so close, aren’t you? How wet are you for me?”

I sobbed out a nonsensical response. He hooked a finger in my underwear and pulled those down too. “Margo.” He breathed against my skin. My name was a prayer on his lips. “I’m going to make you come. Say you want this.” His voice was achingly vulnerable.

“Yes.” My words were strangled and I cleared my throat. “Yes, Andrew. I want you.”

He gave me one tentative lick, parting my folds with his blunt fingers and I arched off the wall. Tiny flicks against my clit, then deep, slow licks dragging up my core. I shuddered around him and shoved my fingers into his beautiful hair. I could feel my orgasm building low in my stomach. With each lick he pushed me higher, higher, his soft grunts of approval stoking the fire in my veins. One more flick of his tongue and I was falling, thrashing against the wall as he held me down, the pleasure filling my skin to bursting.

I sagged against the wall, eyes closed. Andrew resting his head against my inner thigh, his breaths heaving. I twisted my fingers through his soft hair.Holy shit.He was amazing.

I opened my eyes to see him rising up in one fluid motion. His lips were swollen and his large frame taut. His erection looked painful and he hissed a breath as he adjusted his sweats.

“Andrew, I…”

“Don’t.” He sighed. “Margo, don’t. You’re going to make it weird, or tell me you don’t have feelings for me, or tell me not do this again. Just let it lie.” His shoulders drooped and my chest ached.

“Actually, I was going to tell you that was freaking amazing.” I gave him a tentative smile.

“It was wasn’t it?” His broad grin in return was heart-stopping, panty-melting. “So you’re not going to be weird?”

I was very much freaking out but I needed alone time to fully process what had just happened.

“Me? Nah. I can be cool.” I shimmied back into my yoga pants and fixed my hair while Andrew regarded me skeptically.

“You? Cool? That will be the day.” He snorted. I was the antithesis of cool. I was type A, balls to the walls, nerdy and anxious, never cool.

“There’s a first time for everything,” I responded cheerfully. Inside, my heart did a little pitter-patter every time he looked over at me. He grabbed a glass of waster and offered me one. When he tipped his head back to drink, I admired the strong column of his throat. When he wiped his mouth, I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the play of his chest and arm muscles.

He gave me a confused look. I gave him what I hoped was a casual smile.

“Margo. Don’t make this awkward. Tomorrow we are going to go into that office, kick ass, take names, and get this deal done.” He crossed his arms and and I wanted to lick his pecs.

This was bad. I wasn’t going to be able to kick ass tomorrow because I was very much in lust with Andrew Markman.

I mumbled my goodbyes and scurried upstairs where I flopped on the couch.I was in love with you.I couldn’t believe it.Can’t you?There had been an undeniable pull of something between us, that same something that had made me wonder what would happen if we kissed, the something that made me track him with my eyes. Lust. It was lust. And he had mistaken it for love.

My heart was pounding, my skin was tight. I wanted to run ten miles but also collapse on the floor. I needed to tell someone. Cynthia should be home by now. I dialed her number and she picked up on the second ring.

“How’s my favorite lawyer? Still at the office?” Her mouth was clearly full and I smiled. Cynthia did everything quickly, talking, eating, walking, you name it.

I took a deep breath. “Hear me out. Andrew and I had a fight and I went to his place to apologize and and we may have hooked up.” The words spilled out.

I heard a gasp and Cynthia whispered into the phone, “Was it good?”

I blushed even though she couldn’t see me. “Of course it was good. He’s like a professional kisser and he has eight-pack abs.”

“Swoooon. Ok so what’s the problem? This is good. Maybe all that hate over the years was lust. Don’t tell me you’re panicking.”

“I absolutely am. How am I supposed to go to the office tomorrow? With one breath we were arguing and then he told me he used to be in love with me, and then he started dirty talking like crazy and went down on me against the wall. And it was freaking amazing. This is going to mess everything up.” I heard my voice rising as anxiety caused my heart to beat faster.

Cynthia was silent for a second. “Margo. You know you guys can’t be athingright? Tell me you know that.”
