Page 40 of Partner Material

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“Yeah, well your office mate is six and a half feet tall with an ego the size of the moon.”

I snorted a laugh and offered her a cookie from my secret stash. She munched happily and plopped down in the guest chair at my desk.

“Don’t remind me. Sharing with him is not easy. He’s very distracting.”

“Sounds like fun.” She chewed thoughtfully. “Are you getting along better though? With all the time you’re spending together?”

“On a personal level, definitely. On a work level, I’m not sure. We have to start work on the purchase agreement tonight, so I guess we’ll see.”

She made a face. “Well that sounds like the definition of misery.” She leaned forward. “No more hanky panky?” She wiggled her eyebrows and I blushed.

Suddenly, I wanted to keep Andrew all to myself. There was something between us, and I felt that if I imagined that fragile spark too closely, it would go out. For once in my life, I was going to live in the moment.

“Nope. But it’s really hard sitting here with him and not thinking about him naked.” That at least, was the truth.

“Hard is totally the right word.” She giggled and I groaned. “Speaking of, I need to tell you about my night with Jason.”

“It’s really strange that he was there,” I mused. “Ooh, maybe the universe is throwing you together.” Closing drinks for finishing a deal were team-by-team at the firm. Opposing counsel never came.

“Turns out his firm prefers the bar at the Mandarin too. Weird, I know.” She leaned in and her eyes were wide. “You might be right about the universe, though. Because afterwards, I went home with him.” She looked triumphant.

“Holy shit.” My hands flew to my mouth. “Was it amazing? He’s so hot.”

“Talking about me again?” Andrew shouldered his way into the office, looking windblown and gorgeous.

“You wish,” Cynthia muttered. “I’ll see you later Margo. Play nice, kids.”

* * *

Four pm.Andrew and I were seated in the smallest conference room, all of our notes spread out around us. We each had a draft of the purchase agreement and a large coffee.

“Counselor.” His eyes glittered with amusement. The word never failed to sound hot coming from his lips.

I desperately wanted to play it cool but sitting across the table from him was too weird. “Andrew.”

“That’s all I get? Andrew?” He mimicked.

“That’s all you get. Now pay attention.”

“But it’s so hard to focus. You look hot today. I think you should take your jacket off.” His smile was wicked. Under my suit jacket was a thin tank top. I started, my heart beginning to pound. Instead of awkwardness, he’d chosen temptation. I was screwed.

Get through this, don’t think about him naked.I cleared my throat. “Alright, page one. I don’t like the way Brad drafted the definitions section. I want him to go back and look at the precedent we provided, because this looks wrong.”

“Mm. I think it looks okay.” His tone was casual but he mouth still had hints of that teasing smile.

“You’re not going to fight me on every revision, are you?”

“I might. It’s much more fun for me this way.” He gave me that heart-stopping grin and I groaned. “Why don’t you give me a truth for every edit you want to make and I’ll do the same,” he suggested.

“We don’t have time for that,” I protested.

“We absolutely do. I know for a fact you don’t have any other meetings today. I checked with your secretary.”

A thrill went through me at the thought that he had planned this, whateverthiswas.

I heaved an exaggerated sigh. “Okay, fine. Go for it.”

“When did you first know you wanted to be partner? I’m not talking about the year or the month, but the moment you knew.” His expression was intent and I chewed my lip. This was not something I normally shared, and certainly not with Andrew.
