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“You could take them,” she said.

“Not all three of them together.” Clayton shook his head. “I wouldn’t even want to know how that would turn out.”

“I had no idea,” she said. “I…”

She drifted off there, just staring at him. And he knew, in that moment, that he had to kiss her. He needed it as much as he needed his next breath.

With just one step, he bridged the remaining distance between them. She rose on tiptoe to meet him, her hands landing on the back of his neck. The sensation of her cool fingers against his skin only cemented this moment.

This was happening. He was about to kiss Georgia Ludington.

But nothing could have prepared him for how it felt when his lips finally connected with hers. It was as though every moment of his life had led up to this. To this one perfect kiss.

And all he could think was that he had to make it happen again. Their first kiss could not be their last.


Georgia never wanted it to end. She let herself be wrapped up in it, fully enjoying the feel of his arms around her, mouths pressed together in a kiss that shut out the rest of the world. It was a kiss that let her know he’d been thinking about doing this for a long, long time.

It was impossible to believe that she’d never imagined this before. Well, before exactly a week ago.

A sound from off in the distance shot the two of them apart as she suddenly became aware they were standing behind the judge’s chair. They weren’t supposed to be back here. And if someone busted them kissing there, it wouldn’t be good.

“What was that?” she asked him, eyes wide.

He’d shifted his gaze to the courtroom door. “I think it was the main door to the building. It slams, which isn’t a good thing when court’s in session. Usually, that door’s closed, though.”

There was something about the conversation they were having that seemed bizarre after the kiss they’d just shared. Talking about everyday things just felt wrong somehow. But they couldn’t discuss that kiss. Not until she had time to sort out what it meant.

“I’ll walk you out,” he said.

Georgia nodded and snatched up her coffee and notepad. The cup had left a water ring on the table, and she swiped at it with the bottom of the notepad, knocking some of the water to the floor in the hope that it wouldn’t leave a mark.

He led her from the courtroom, stopping at the doorway and gesturing for her to go through first. Although she knew he always did that, right now she wished he’d just go first. The way her mind was racing, she could use a few seconds to follow silently behind someone. In fact, she could do with just silently following him around for a while.

Clayton Mills had a crush on her when they were younger. Wasn’t that what he’d said? Actually, he hadn’t talked about the crush like it was in the past. Did that mean he still had a crush on her today?

Crush—that was an inadequate word for what she felt. After such an electrifying kiss, she wasn’t sure what word would do. If she lived seventy-five more years, she would never forget the sensation of his lips on hers or the way he looked down at her just seconds before he lowered his head. He’d wanted that kiss as much as she wanted it.

They stopped at the entryway, where she took her coat off the hook and he grabbed his. Without a word, he tossed his coffee cup in a nearby garbage can and came back for hers, too.

Why were things suddenly so awkward? She didn’t want them to be.

“Ready?” He smiled down at her.

Coat on, she shifted the notepad back to her left hand and nodded. “Ready.”

He rushed ahead to hold the door open for her and still, they didn’t speak as they stepped out into the cold winter air.

The area around the courthouse was deserted. There were a couple of cars, but no sign of the random passersby that had been out here when she arrived.

“I parked right there.” She pointed to her right.

He nodded. Of course. He’d seen her pull into that spot before things got awkward.

Was he regretting that kiss? Maybe he thought he’d feel things that he didn’t. The kiss could’ve been a huge disappointment for him. Was that possible when it had been so powerful for her?

“I guess we won’t really have a chance to speak until your case is somewhat resolved,” he said.
