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Katie's previous hesitation came back in full force after the haziness of lust had ebbed away. She wanted to askSo … now what?But held her tongue. Instead, she slid her hand up his thigh, encouraging his cock to extend the activities.

They quickly fell into rhythm again, Katie allowing no barriers or boundaries between them. For now, they could enjoy their passion for one another's bodies as they quenched their desires through a night filled with heavenly satisfaction.

Tomorrow? Well, that remained to be seen.



He woke at the crack of dawn like always and pulled himself out of bed. He brushed his teeth, ran his hands through his hair, and pulled his clothes on, making sure they were exactly how they were supposed to be.

He started his morning coffee, and as the coffee brewed, his eyes flickered down the hallway toward Katie’s room. He thought about last night, extremely disappointed. It wasn’t that the sex was bad because it wasn’t.

He’d never had such amazing sex before. Being a military guy, he knew how to deny himself things, but he didn’t want to deny himself this. He felt like a different person when he was with her.

He was out the door in eleven minutes flat with the efficiency he showed every morning. He started his vehicle and sank into the seat for a moment. He closed his eyes and imagined he was back in bed. Katie was kissing him, and his hands were roaming her body.

She smelled like heaven and torture mixed in one. He’d made a mistake allowing himself to fall into her trap, but he couldn’t let it go any further. He had to focus on work and maintaining the perfect image he'd prided himself on.

He snorted at himself. “You idiot.”

He was good at following orders, and he was great at doing what was needed. Yet, when it came to Katie, he was bending the rules. He was worried about how far he'd allow himself to go.

He saw a light flicker on inside the house, the lamp for Katie’s room. She could look out the window and see him, and he couldn’t decide if that was a blessing or a curse.

He pressed play on his audio box and programmed the car to take him to work.

He arrived early and parked. He was the first to enter the meeting room and set his coffee down as he took his seat. He pulled out his communicator, seeing a message from Katie already. His stomach tensed.

The door opened, and he placed his device down. His boss, the admiral, stepped into the space. Axur straightened his back and gave him a nod.

“Morning, Admiral.”

Admiral Kent was almost sixty years of age and the sparkling image of what people looked up to. He followed the rules and did what had to be done.

He raised an eyebrow at Axur. “Little early for ass-kissing, don’t you think?”

“No, sir, I don’t think so.”

The former grunted, crossing the room toward the coffeemaker. “I haven’t had my coffee yet, Axur. What are you doing here so early?”

He wasn’t that early, was he? He glanced down at his watch, realizing it was at least fifteen minutes before the meeting was due to start. In truth, it didn’t matter, but he left prematurely so that he could focus on work rather than the tempting woman in his house.

“Just have extra energy this morning,” he said, leaning back in his chair.

Kent waved a hand. “Grab the papers and send them out. As soon as the rest get here, we are going to dive into the meeting. I have other shit I have to get to today, and I don’t want to have to repeat myself.”

Axur began to work, and twenty minutes later, they were in the meeting. They went over budget and protocol. They looked at reviews from everyone's party and ranking. He was content to know his crew still held steady at the top.

“Are you going to slip up some time so one of us can finally make it to the top?” Logan, a lieutenant, asked, turning in his chair. Everyone looked at Axur, and he smirked while shaking his head.

“No, not anytime soon.”

Axur was subtly proud of himself. He did great work, and it showed. He knew how to take orders, give orders, and keep his guys in line.

Everyone grumbled, even though it didn’t come off as malicious. Even if everyone wanted to beat Axur’s group, no one hated him. Everyone looked up to him, and when there was a hard decision to be made, they asked him for his input.

He worked hard and earned the title and the honor that went with it. He wasn't planning to allow himself to make a mistake. Even with Ayla in his house, he still forced himself to work harder.
