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He looks at me and flashes me a grin, and even though this has been a pretty perfect day, I don’t want him to get ahead of himself, thinking that we’re best friends now or anything. I don't know what I want him to think. I don’t know whatIthink. It’s too overwhelming, and I just want to enjoy this moment for a little bit longer, here in the sun.

When Katie comes over to collect Mandy and Joey, Chloe finally looks like she’s tired out.

“Come on, guys,” says Katie. “Maybe we'll see these three later.” She winks at me and adds, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

I shoot her a stern look, feeling Lucas stiffen beside me. I can understand his unhappiness. I guess he was probably hoping that Katie would like him slightly more than she appeared to.

“Are you coming Wednesday?” she asks.

“Yes, I'll be there. For sure.”

“You’re allowed to bring a plus-one, you know,” she says, smirking again.

I give her another firm look, which I extend to Lucas when I sense he’s about to say something else rude. For a change, he keeps his mouth shut.

“I’ll see you on Wednesday,” I say. She pulls me in for one last hug, and we wave as she and the kids head off.

“Ice cream time?” I ask. The kids cheer in agreement.

Lucas nods, too. “Ice cream time.”



Chloe’s eyes are drooping as we head out of the park, and Ava is snoring gently in the stroller. Sophie is looking kind of sleepy too, but she’s trying not to show it as we wander along the sidewalk. I’ve asked Samuel to pick us up at the ice-cream place, so we’re walking there now. This is the furthest I’ve walked around the city in ages, and to my great disappointment, my legs are enjoying the stretch.

In fact, it feels like a long time since I’ve paid any attention toanythingon the ground. The sunlight bounces between buildings, casting strange shadows over all the people bustling around down here. Most of them keep their heads down, scurrying off in single-minded pursuit of their destinations. I catch a couple of people spotting me and leaning in to a friend, presumably to ask if I look similar to that billionaire guy.

I do my best not to consider what kind of things the press would say if they saw me going around town with three kids and a woman. They’ve been painting me as one of New York’s most eligible bachelors for such a long time that I think some journalists’ heads would explode.

“What flavor are you going to get, Uncle Lucas?” asks Noah quietly, tugging on my hand. He seems to have attached himself to me like a limpet, deciding that from now on he wants to hold my hand always, everywhere we go.

For the first time, I’m seeing these kids as kind of cute rather than as a total irritation. His hands aren’t even that sticky anymore.

“Mint choc chip,” I say. “There’s nothing better.”

“Urgh,” says Sophie.

I raise an eyebrow at her. “What’s wrong with it?”

“Mint’s for toothpaste. Ice cream’s got to be sweet and fruity.”

“I like strawberry,” says Noah. “Please can I get strawberry?”

“Why wouldn’t you get chocolate?” Chloe chips in, still managing to sound furious despite her tiredness.

“We can all pick whatever we want,” I say, before an argument can erupt, and pretend not to notice the impressed and surprised look Sophie gives me. “We’re here.”

Noah and Chloe both give a small cheer and I push open the door for them. They dash inside, and Sophie follows. Ava’s still asleep, so we make a silent decision not to wake her. It feels easier that way. “We’ll get it to go,” I say, “But everything’s on me. Get whatever.”

As the kids study the menu, I turn to Sophie. “I liked meeting your sister.”

“Really?” She folds her arms, her face falling as she tries to find my secret motives.

The truth is, there aren’t any. I really did enjoy meeting Katie, even if it didn’t exactly go great. It opened my mind to a whole life I’ve barely ever considered, one with a family and children and a public assumption of relationship status, one with the closest bonds you could ever hope to have and people you can always rely on. To most other people, that’s your family.

To me, that’s always been Sophie.
