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“You don’t know what Emerald and I have done.”

Abbie rolled her eyes. “Are you really trying to tell me you haven’t slept with your bride-to-be?”

“That’s none of your business,” Bo said.

“Andthisis none of your business.” Abbie added an exasperated sigh to the end of that. “I’m so tired of you and Dad policing my virginity.”

“I’ve never policed your virginity.” Bo clearly sounded outraged. “I don’t know anything about your sex life, and I don’t want to. Dad sent you to that private school to protect you, but I wouldn’t say I agreed with it.”

“He called my gynecologist to ask if my hymen was still intact,” Abbie said. “I’d say that’s policing.”

What the fuck?

Now I was outraged. The whole thing sounded barbaric.

“My doctor wouldn’t release my information, of course,” Abbie said, looking at me instead of her brother. “And I wouldn’t have found out about it, but one of her nurses is a friend of mine. She called me, concerned. Or at least Ithoughtshe was my friend. But it ended up being spread all over town. It’s just so embarrassing.”

I didn’t know whose ass I needed to kick first, but I was ready to do it. The people who gossiped about her, the dad who thought he had rights over her body or the brother who was calling her a kid.

“That’s creepy,” Bo said. “I’ll have a talk with him, but I can’t support you sleeping around like this. It’s dangerous.”

Abbie dropped her arms to her sides and stared at her brother. “I’m not sleeping around.”

He was now fully facing her, which meant his back was to me. I should probably leave them to discuss this, but I felt the need to protect her.

“You just met him yesterday, right?” Bo asked.

“How long did you know Emerald before you slept with her?” she asked her brother.

“That’s different. We’re in love.”

I unclenched the fists I’d been holding by my side and stared at Abbie. I was surprised how much I wanted to hear her say the words, “We are too.”

“So, you didn’t sleep with Emerald until you were in love with her?” Abbie asked.

“Again, that’s different,” Bo said.

Abbie tilted her head and stared her brother down. “Why? Because you’re a man.”

“No, because I was in love,” he said. “I didn’t know it for sure yet, but from the start, I felt something I’d never felt for a woman before.”

“It’s the same here,” I said.

That got Bo’s attention. He stepped back and turned to look at me.

“What are you talking about?” Bo asked.

“Feeling something different,” Abbie said. She was looking past her brother at me. “I feel the same. I just don’t know how we are going to make this work.”

“It’ll be long distance for a while,” I said. “You’re finishing school. But I love this town and would be happy to make it home base.”

“You travel all the time,” Bo said. “You’re hardly ever at your apartment.”

“That’s partly by choice. This area of the country is my territory. I could do more day trips and definitely spend every weekend at home with my family.”

At that, Abbie’s eyebrows arched, and I knew what she was thinking. Family. I was already talking like we’d have kids someday.

We could discuss all that later. Right now, it was most important to ease the tension with her brother. The last thing I wanted was to leave town before I got to see him marry the love of his life. Especially considering he was likely to be my brother-in-law someday.
