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Menace came stomping toward us and stopped, hands on his hips. “I hear the car. Get into the shadows.”

We backed up and waited for her. My fingers itched to help her with her things, but the driver took care of it, taking her bags out with care. Probably because we’d tipped him almost 50 percent of what the ride cost. Once she was unloaded, he waved to her and took off. My heart fluttered uncontrollably as we moved from the dark corners of the forest, slowly, not wanting to spook her. We were scary enough without startling her human heart.

“Ilya,” I called out before we reached her. “It’s us.”

She whirled toward the sound of my voice, and I was struck breathless. Her pictures didn’t do her justice. Not even close. “It’s me. I’m alone. The driver left.”

I knew this was weird for her, or any female for that matter, but she also said she understood why we stayed in hiding. “We’re coming out. I don’t…we don’t want to scare you.”

Draven went first, emerging from the line of trees and into the little light the moon afforded us. We had perfect night vision but she wouldn’t.

“Okay,” she whispered, pulling her coat tighter around her torso. Winter was coming in full force on this night. The wind pushed her scent toward us, and I paused, nostrils flaring, taking in the honey and caramel that was her. My orc blood responded, and I let out a low, approving hum. If Ilya smelled like this from afar, I could only imagine what her concentrated scent would do to me—to us. We continued toward her until we stepped out of the dense forest and into the clearing. I braced myself for the scream, the gasp, the flailing, but none of that happened. Ilya stood firm. Brave woman indeed. Her heart sped up to a rabbit’sflutter, and her breaths became shallow, but she didn’t move an inch.

“It’s okay to be scared,” Menace barked.

“I’m not scared.” She laughed a bit. “I’ve seen you three before. It’s not like this is a surprise. I’m not scared.” She repeated herself, but Menace tended to make women squirm. Didn’t change the fact she was holding her ground. Firm and steady, and who didn’t want that in a female?

“Is that all you brought?” Draven asked. “Are you not staying?”

A bit of fear trickled down my spine. Had she changed her mind? Was she not moving in with us? “This is all I have. Everything from my apartment is in storage, including the furniture. My personal belongings…this is it, guys.”

“How was your flight?” Menace asked. “I hate planes. Not that I’ve ever been on one but they seem…flimsy.”

Ilya let out a laugh I swore I’d heard before—an echo of some magical dream I’d had once, maybe as a boy. “You’re right. And yes, it was okay, for flying through the air, but I would be okay if I never had to do it again.”

She wouldn’t if she stayed with us. We kept things local and simple and small on purpose. I hoped she would be okay with this life of ours, that she would be good with us. I didn’t have the heart to wish for love, but for a mate who would be a lovely companion—that would be enough.

“You’re hungry.” Draven reached around her and hugged her shoulders. Surprisingly, she accepted the affection. We orcs were hands-on with our family and mates and children. It was good she seemed to be the same.

“I am starving, actually. I hate airplane food, and I was too nervous to buy anything in the airport. It’s…it’s really cold out here. Would it be okay if we went home?”

Home. Not your house or the house. Home. My cold orc heart pumped a bit slower hearing her say those words. This was a far cry from what my negative-thinking mind had conjured up when I began to doubt everything we were doing.

“Of course,” I answered. Draven and Menace each took a bag and we all began to walk, but after only a few steps, Ilya tripped and plowed right into Menace’s back.

“Are you okay, female?” Draven asked. He dropped her bag and rushed to her aid. I could see her deep blush filling those beautiful cheekbones. I couldn’t wait to see her in the light, but what I’d already seen was enough to make me know she would make fine sons.

“I’m embarrassed. That’s all.” She got up and dusted off her bottom and legs. “It’s hard to see where you’re going out here.”

“Take this.” Menace jutted her bag toward me. I had no idea what he was planning to do but I took them anyway. A few seconds later, without asking her permission or even caring, I supposed, Menace had Ilya in his arms and was stomping through the forest.

Again, that woman surprised the fuck out of me. She didn’t squeal or even protest. She relaxed into his hold and wrapped her arms around his beefy neck, bracing herself for the trip.

It was like Ilya was made to be the mate of an orc.

Chapter Thirteen


Okay, so they were not the typical romance-book-cover males, but there was something about them that appealed to me beyond physical attraction. Although apart from their orc nuances, they were handsome and built and strong. And beyond that, their eyes held a kindness I’d never been privileged to witness before. I’d gotten a glimpse of it in our video chat—maybe that was the factor I couldn’t pin down. Words can lie, but I didn’t believe eyes could.

I was still trying to keep them straight because they were so similar in appearance, one I’d never seen in anyone before. Menace was the one who carried me through the forest to their home though. He was the growly one, but from the way he cradled me in his arms, you’d never know he had a bad mood ever. Not that he was chatting along the way, but that didn’t seem to matter. I relaxed, feeling safe and cherished, and before we reached their home, I was sound asleep.

To be fair, it had been a rough time since my parents died. I hadn’t even been able to grieve them properly with everything else that occurred, and I was badly in need of peace and a hug. Both of which I experienced in Menace’s arms—letting me truly relax.

I opened my eyes to see I was no longer in the forest but inside a home, lying on a sofa. A soft blanket was tucked around me, a pillow under my head. It was warm and cozy, and I curled onto my side, ready to fall back asleep, but then I saw them.

Three orc males, sitting in a row on another couch, facing me. Watching me. I sucked in a breath and struggled to sit up. “Hi.”
