Page 29 of Kiss To Tempt

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Shaking my head, I push away from the wall and go for the door. “Whatever, dude.”

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Nate yells after me.

“That’s not really helpful since you do a lot of stupid shit,” I throw over my shoulder.

“That’s the whole po—”

I close the door, effectively cutting him off, but I can still hear him laughing his ass off—the dumbass.

Like seriously, I’m just trying to repay her for being kind. Nothing more. Nothing less. If I get a chance to see her in the process, even better. And if she gives me an answer to my question… Well, you won’t hear me complaining about it.

Stopping in front of Vanessa’s door, I shift the plate from one hand to the other and press the doorbell.

I wait, listening. My gaze falls to the watch on my wrist. It’s just after eleven. Maybe she had already gone to sleep?

I’m about to give up when I hear soft footsteps coming from the other side of the door. There’s a moment of silence before the lock turns and the door parts, Vanessa’s face peeking through the crack in the door.

“Quinn.” Her gaze darts over my shoulder before returning to me. “What are you doing here?”

“I promised you brownies.” I lift the plate in a silent offering.

Her eyes fall down before they meet mine. “You really do bake.” Surprise flashes over her face as she stares at the brownies like she sees them for the first time.

“What can I say? I’m a man of many talents.”

A genuine smile appears on her lips, and it’s like a punch to my gut. She doesn’t smile nearly often enough.

Vanessa removes the chain, and the door opens wider revealing more of her. And holy shit.

This was a very bad idea.

A very,verybad idea.

My throat bobs as I swallow, my eyes falling down her body. She’s dressed in one of those silky PJs with matching top and bottoms. The soft pink material clings to her every curve. She’s not wearing a bra since I can see the shape of her nipples through the thin material.

I move my gaze, so she doesn’t find me staring at her tits, but then my eyes fall to her shorts, and damn those bottoms should be illegal. They’re so short they’re practically boxers. Hell, boxers cover more than that piece of fabric, but they look mighty fi—‌


“Hmm?” My head snaps up at the sound of my name to find Vanessa watching me. I shift from one foot to the other, hoping to alleviate the pressure behind my zipper, to no avail.

“I said you didn’t have to bring me anything.”

“Well, the couch potato of my roommate can’t eat it all since he’ll get too fat by the time the season starts, so you’re doing him a favor, really.”

“I guess we can’t have that.” She takes the plate from my hand and tears off a piece of brownie, bringing it to her mouth. I watch her eyes fall closed as she chews, a low moan coming from deep in her throat. The same kind of moan as the one she let out when I was going down on her.

Damn,I run my hand over my head.I’m totally screwed.

“This is delicious. Thanks for bringing it.”

“You’re welcome,” I rasp, my voice rough from all the pent-up tension and sexual frustration.

I shift my weight from one foot to the other, grateful that I’m wearing baggy shorts to cover my hard-on, my gaze falling down to her lips. Since she was clearly getting ready for bed, her face was clean of all makeup, but her lips were still full and naturally pink and so freaking kissable. I notice a small crumb in the corner of her mouth. Stepping closer, I cup her cheek, pushing it away with my thumb.

“I guess I should get going,” I whisper. My hand drops to my side, but I don’t make any attempt to move.

I want to be patient. I want to give her the time she obviously needs. But I also want her—desperately.
