Page 45 of Wed to Krampus

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“Then you should choose a day in spring,” I said.

He hesitated for a moment, considered it, then said, “I’ll think about it.”

I knew this was a difficult topic for him, so I let it go for the time being. Snowdrop’s present was next, and I let Krampus unpack it. It was another scarf, smaller and less practical, because it wasn’t like Snowdrop needed a real scarf, but I wanted him to have something that matched Krampus and Frost.

Krampus laughed again. “This is hilarious. I love it!”

“The three of you will look like brothers.”

We laughed together, then it was Fluffy’s turn. For him, I’d made a little pillow in the same colors. I’d noticed that he loved sleeping on my pillow when I took him upstairs, or on the couch pillows. Now that he had his own, maybe I wouldn’t need to wash the other pillowcases as often.

“Are you ready for your gift, my wife?” Krampus asked me.

My heart started pounding in my chest. He pulled out a square box, and I had no idea what it could be. I opened it with trembling hands, and when I saw what was inside, I gasped.

The most beautiful choker I’d ever seen!

My mother had never owned jewelry. My parents didn’t have credits to spend on such things, so I’d never owned or worn jewelry either.

“You made this?” I asked.

“Yes. Do you like it?”

“It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen!”

No precious metals were involved, but the design was stunning. It was made of soft leather, and the medallion was made of resin. Inside it, I could see leaves and flowers. It was rather big. Krampus helped me put it on, and it covered the entire top part of my chest. It looked incredible! I was never going to take it off. Well, except when I slept and bathed.

I climbed on top of him and grabbed him by the horns. When I did that, he knew things were about to get serious. In the most pleasant and delicious way. I kissed him deeply, and he pulled me close until I could feel him grow hard. I ground my hips against him, and he let out a low groan. Things were getting heated, but then Frost decided to interrupt us with a bark. Krampus and I pulled away, laughing.

“He’s right,” I said. “It’s time for dinner.”

“Look at you speaking Frost fluently.”

I punched him teasingly and stood up, smoothing down my skirt. “Come on. I’m starving.”

“Right this way, my beautiful wife. I have prepared a feast for you.”

I laughed and let him lead me to the table that he’d set up in the living room. Frost and Fluffy had to be fed first, of course. I didn’t mind. I loved watching Krampus take care of all of us, one at a time. Finally, he sat down and poured wine into our glasses.

“Merry Christmas,” he said.

“Merry Christmas.” I took a sip, then wondered out loud. “Do you know why we say that?”

“No idea,” he said. “But I do know that it’s merry, indeed.”

I laughed. “You know what? With you, every day of the year is merry.”

Chapter Twenty-Seven


This was the longest winter of all. Technically, it was spring, but it still snowed some days, and Aura and I preferred to cozy up in the cabin, in front of the fire, than be outside. Since Christmas, we’d visited Mina and Joseph a few times. Mina had had her baby, and Aura had asked me to let her stay with them for a few days, so she could help. I went to see her every day, even though Snowdrop had grown bored with going up and down the mountain. Mina and Joseph had a baby girl, and they named her Amalia.

Now that the baby was here, Joseph was restless. We’d decided to start working on his project in a week, so as I watched Aura knit and Frost snore with Fluffy on top of him, I looked outside and shook my head when I saw it was snowing again.

“What are you thinking about?” asked Aura.

“That I’m tired of winter.”
