Page 20 of Cowboys Next Door

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“You can carpool with Eli if you like,” Katherine suggested. “He’s coming, too.”

I would have preferred to go alone, but Eli called me, and here we are, heading into Helena together, awkwardly ignoring the elephant in the vehicle as I steer the truck along the highway.

“What do you think this is about?” Eli asks, finally breaking the silence.

“That girl, probably,” I grumble, unsure of what else Katherine would make such a display about.

If this was about MVP or the letter that Connor has been so up in arms about in the week, she wouldn’t be making dinner plans at a nice restaurant.

“You think this is about Rose? What about her?” Eli presses, stiffening my shoulders.

The mention of the luscious blonde makes my pulse quicken and blood rush to places I’d rather not think about when being in such close quarters to Eli. The entire thing makes me uncomfortable.

I grunt. “I don’t know.”

I catch the bemused smirk on his lips as he turns his head away. “You don’t care for her much, huh?”

“I don’t know her,” I snap with far more intensity than I mean to.

Eli continues to look at me until I glower at him. “Can I ask why? She seems nice. I don’t think I’ve heard a mean thing come out of her mouth.”

My eyes narrow. “Have you spent lots of time with her?”

Did I just feel a pang of jealousy? No, that’s impossible. I have no connection to her. I’m just worried about Katherine and how Rose seems to have infiltrated everyone just by flashing her gorgeous smile and swinging those perfect hips around.

Another rush of heat surges through my crotch.

“I go by Katherine’s, like always. I see Rose. We chat. You should stop by more often, too.”

“Seems like you have it covered.”

Eli rolls his eyes. “I’m just saying, I don’t think she’s so bad… and you can’t deny she’s hot, that’s for sure.”

A hotness creeps up my neck, and I tighten my hands around the steering wheel.

“I have a ranch to run, just like you do,” I bark. “I don’t have time, like you and Connor, to fuck every stranger who wanders into town.”

He frowns as if he realizes what I’ve just said, nonplussed by my accusation. “Hey, where’s Connor tonight?”

I snarl. “Probably on a date.”

Eli laughs. “You’re in a mood tonight.”

I exhale, realizing I’m being awfully sullen. I inhale sharply. “I wasn’t expecting to leave the house. And my sister stopped by a few days ago. The taste hasn’t really left my mouth.”

Eli sits forward like he’s been electrocuted. “Val was at your house?” he gasps in sarcastic shock. “To Stannich? From the city?! Wasn’t she worried about getting manure on her Guccis?”

My body relaxes, and I snicker. If anyone understands what a pain in the ass my older sister can be, it’s Eli, who grew up next door.

“Apparently the need to give me shit about Dad overrode her concern for her shoes,” I explain dryly.

Eli grimaces. “She has some nerve. If she’s so worried about Frank’s well-being, why doesn’t she take him in?”

I’m thinking the exact same thing, but I decide to keep it to myself. Appreciatively, I smile at Eli. Maybe we weren’t the closest friends growing up, but we were neighbors in a small town. He is more like a brother to me than a buddy.

“You did the right thing sending Frank to that home, Hud. Don’t let Val or anyone else tell you otherwise.”

I don’t respond, but Eli knows I’m grateful for his support.
