Page 44 of Cowboys Next Door

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But Rose is oblivious to everything going on but the excitement unfolding, her hands curling into fists as her body tenses with the rise and fall of the riders as the sun rises higher in the morning sky.

The sweet smell of hay combined with horses brings me back, the announcers piping out the winners in their rapid-fire speak to bring a stab of nostalgia inside me as Rose inches closer and closer to the edge of her seat, particularly when Hudson’s name is announced over the speaker.

Our friend trots out on a gorgeous horse, his face partially obstructed by his broad-rimmed hat, his body easily bouncing over the saddle.

Beside me, Rose sucks in a mouthful of air.

“I’m not sure I can watch this!” she moans, sitting back, shaking her head.

“He’s going to be fine, darling,” Katherine reassures her.

I’m watching her reactions more than Hudson’s competition. It’s easy to navigate how he’s doing based on Rose’s facial expressions. Every gasp and sigh tells me something, and I do manage to get some looks in to check out Hudson’s performance, but I miss the end.

“Is that it?!” Rose cries, telling me that Hudson has finished.

The rest of the stadium begins to rise as the pickup men wander through to distract the bulls.

Rose looks disappointed. “Did he win?”

Eli snickers as he helps Katherine to her feet.

“There’s more going on over the weekend,” I laugh, leading her out toward the fairgrounds where rides and games have been set up. “The festivities are ongoing, and the winners will all be announced then.”

Rose looks around helplessly, and I realize she’s looking for Hudson.

“We’re going to him now,” I reassure her, half-amused, half-worried for her. “But don’t be surprised if he’s annoyed to see us. He didn’t want anyone to know he was here.”

Rose gapes at me. “Why not? He was amazing!”

It’s difficult to explain Hudson’s complicated past, and I don’t venture to do so as I guide her toward the stables where we completely blindside him.

“I thought I saw you guys out there,” he grumbles, but I see the glint in his eyes as he avoids ours. “Why did you come?”

“You were incredible out there!” Rose breathes, stepping closer, her hand raised as if she’s about to put her fingers on his bare bicep, his dusty, plaid shirt hanging off the back of the stall now. “I can’t believe you didn’t just invite us!”

Hudson glowers at me, and I shrug, grinning charmingly. “Oh, give it up,” I crack. “We’re here now. Let’s go have some fun.”

* * *

The event gets bigger every year. There must be at least twenty new booths, making this the biggest show yet.

Hudson stops to do a shooting game and pegs off all the marks without any effort. Eli, not one to be outdone, does the same, and they both wind up with a stuffed dinosaur that’s almost as big as Katherine.

“For you, ma’am,” Eli tells her. Katherine scowls, but her eyes are laughing as she thrusts the stuffie at her granddaughter. Rose gapes at her.

“That’s obviously not for me,” she scolds them both. “You boys have been putting on a show for Rosie since you got here—and before. Stop beating around the bush and tell her how you feel.”

They begin to sputter as Rose turns to smother a smile, but Katherine continues. “I can’t walk anymore,” she informs them. “I appreciate the gesture, Connor, but I really should get home and take my blood pressure medicine.”

I balk, wishing I’d thought of that before we left. I note the expression of disappointment on Rose’s face, but Eli volunteers to drive her back.

“I’ve had my fill of bulls and clowns today, too,” he admits. “And we are wasting a perfectly good day for work.”

“Never mind the work,” Katherine grumbles. “You have all earned a day off.”

“I have to get back to the dogs,” I sigh, not wanting to give anyone the keys to my truck. “I suppose we should call it a day.”

“Rose and I can stay,” Hudson offers, shocking everyone.
