Page 64 of Cowboys Next Door

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“Well, not today, obviously,” Rose counters. “But once I’m sure Gran is out of the woods?—”

“The doctor just said that she’ll never really be out of the woods!” Connor whiplashes. “You can’t leave her.”

“So Rose is supposed to sit by Miss Katherine’s bedside for the rest of her life?” I bark. “You’re being unreasonable, Connor.”

I glower at him, and he frowns at me but clamps his mouth shut. At least he knows this isn’t the time or place for his whining.

I amble toward Rose and put my hands on her shoulders. “Don’t worry about a thing, Princess. We’re going to get through this, okay?”

She tilts her head back and offers me a meek smile of gratitude. She’s already exhausted, and the day has barely started. It’s bound to be a long week ahead.



I’m fully aware I’m skulking around like a child, but the inevitable leave is looming, and my mood is souring minute by minute. The only thing that keeps me distracted is working on Katherine’s ranch and ignoring the plans that Rose is making, while tending to her grandmother in the house.

She’s so damn considerate, laying out her plans clearly, making sure I’m right there with her in every decision. It’s not just about keeping me informed; it’s her way of recognizing my abandonment struggles, while valuing my opinions and contributions.

Still, I hold on to the belief that once she leaves, she won’t come back. But I can’t say this to her. I don’t want to add any more stress to her already full plate.

I hate being this fucking needy, but trust has never come easily to me. I have yet to experience a relationship where my trust isn’t broken. It’s the whole reason I’ve never had a long-term girlfriend. I always break things off with women before things get too serious.

Fuck ‘em and leave ‘em. That’s what I’ve always done.

But I can’t do that with Rose. I’m in too deep.

We’ve already started our three shifts, just to get into the groove of things when Rose leaves on Friday, and I hate it already.

Bounce barks at me, and Silo growls, sensing my discontent. Reaching into my pocket, I toss the hounds a treat each, and that ends their reign of misery for the time being as they waddle back to the shade of the pines for another nap.

The barn is coming along at least, my rage hammering working to the ranch’s benefit.

“Looks great, Connor.” I almost drop the hammer on my toe, Rose’s voice startling me as I whirl around to confront her. I hadn’t heard her come up on me.

I offer her a weak smile. “Thanks.”

“You’ve been working your sexy ass off all week.”

I pretend to check my own ass out behind me. “Is it sexy? I hadn’t noticed.”

She swats at me playfully. “Gran is asking about you,” she informs me. “And I have to run into town before I leave tomorrow. You think you can go in and keep an eye on her while I’m out for an hour or so?”

I grimace, and she frowns, mistaking my dismay for upset at having to keep Katherine company. “I won’t be long,” she promises. “I just want to make sure the fridge is stocked.”

“I just wish you wouldn’t go to Seattle, is all,” I blurt out and instantly regret it.

I vowed to stop telling her that. I’ve made my wishes abundantly clear, and I know everyone is sick of hearing them.

Now it’s Rose’s turn to frown. “And I wish you’d stop making me feel guilty about going,” she retorts with far more sharpness than I’ve ever heard her use with me. “You do understand it’s to everyone’s benefit if I go, right?”

I mutter incoherently, and she glowers at me. “What?”

“I said, must be nice to just pick up and go on a whim.”

Rose grits her teeth. “Connor, no one is forcing you to stay in Stannich, either. You’re a grown ass man. If you want to travel?—”

“I don’t want to travel. I know I have everything I need right here,” I cut her off.
