Page 54 of Chase the Storm

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Though my throat had tightened painfully, I had no choice but to speak. I had to get this all out in the open before I walked out of here and never looked back.

But before I could do that, I needed to get dressed. I couldn’t possibly continue to sit here, naked as a jaybird, while my heart was breaking. By some miracle, I’d left a pair of my yoga pants, a T-shirt, and a sweatshirt at the foot of the bed on the side opposite of where Griffin was now, earlier today.

Not worrying about a bra, I reached for the T-shirt and pulled it over my head. I grabbed my yoga pants and was about to hop down from the bed to get out a pair of underwear, but I felt Griffin’s fingers curl around my wrist.

He halted my movements, and my head snapped in his direction. Concern littered his features. “What are you doing?”

“Getting dressed,” I whispered.

“For what? What’s going on?” he asked. “Why do you look like you’re about to cry?”

I shook my head, feeling nothing but disbelief. “You know what? I thought I was going to say something about this, but it’s not worth it. I’ll just throw on some clothes and go.”

“Indy, talk to me,” he pleaded with me.

If I wasn’t so angry about putting myself right back in the same position, I might have felt some sympathy for him. His voice sounded ragged.

“There’s nothing to say.”

Griffin shot me a look that told me he thought I was crazy if I believed that was the case. “I think there is. After all that just happened between us, I think there’s plenty to say. Why do you want to leave?”

“Because I’m not going to play this game with you,” I told him, yanking my arm out of his hold.

“What game?”

Why did he have to do this? Why did he have to play stupid?

I was done. And if I was going to be done, I needed to do whatever was necessary to get myself out of here with the least amount of hassle.


If he wanted to act like he didn’t know, I’d do what I originally intended to do. I’d call him out on this.

“I wish I would have known this was never about more than being a fling for you,” I started. “I misunderstood everything happening between us over the last few days. I guess that’s my fault for choosing to trust you so soon after meeting you.”

He jerked back violently at hearing my words. “A fling?”

“Might as well call it what it is, don’t you think?” I countered.

“Why would you think this was just a fling between us?” he pressed.

I shot him an incredulous look. “Are you being serious right now, Griffin? You live in Hawaii, and you led me to believe you lived in Blue Spruce.”

Shaking his head, he insisted, “I never told you I lived in Blue Spruce. I said I was from here, because I am from here. My parents do still live here. But I’m traveling all over the West Coast in a camper. I told you that. I can’t imagine why you would think I had a permanent residence here at all, since you knew that was the case.”

Was he honestly trying to make this my fault?

I didn’t know why that hurt so much.

“Fine, Griffin. You’re right. I was an idiot and didn’t think this through with everything else going on in my life. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for not asking more specific questions.”

“Don’t be like that. You’re not an idiot.”

I wanted to roll my eyes. “I am if I believed you were being forthcoming with me. I am if I thought you were being honest with me. I am if allowed myself to fall for your charm. And I definitely am, if I slept with a guy before I even knew what he did for a living. In fact, I think that last one makes me a whole lot more than just an idiot.”

Hurt slashed through his features. “You regret this.”

It wasn’t a question. Then again, I’d made it painfully obvious just how I felt. Of course, I regretted this. Why wouldn’t I?
