Page 65 of Chase the Storm

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The moment I stepped out into the cold winter air, I inhaled deeply and let out a sigh of relief. I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face if I tried.

I’d just walked out of the resort hotel after having finished my first day at my new job, and I was overjoyed. It wasn’t about the work itself, though I had to admit it wasn’t bad at all. And it wasn’t even about the people I worked with, even if I thought they were all great.

The way I felt right now was all related to the fact that I was simply working again. I’d been battling for so long to get myself back on track, and without a job to help me start that process, I’d been feeling so down in the dumps.

This truly felt like one of the best days of my life, because I was finally making it happen. There was still a long way to go to rebuild my life and get back all that I’d lost, but I believed I was now well on my way.

And that felt great.

There was an overwhelming sense of accomplishment pulsing through me, and I loved knowing I was going to be able to overcome the hopelessness and despair I’d been feeling with regard to my financial situation.

It was the best feeling in the world, and I truly loved my new job, not for what it was, but for everything it was giving me.

I made it back to my new place, the smile still plastered on my face, and made a beeline for my bedroom. I wanted to change out of my work clothes, grab some dinner, and do something that was going to allow the good vibes to continue.

I had it all figured out.

Unfortunately, no sooner had I gotten myself changed out of my work clothes, I heard a knock at my door.

Perhaps the great day I’d already had was about to get even better. Was Griffin here to surprise me?

As quickly as I could, I ran to the front door and yanked it open. The excitement I felt about seeing Griffin again immediately vanished, because it wasn’t him standing on the opposite side of the door.

On the bright side, I couldn’t say my mood had taken a downward turn. It would have been impossible to see what I saw and feel anything but happy.

“Flower delivery for Indy Watson.”

“That’s me,” I declared, reaching for the bouquet.

After I closed the door, I lifted the flowers to my nose and inhaled deeply. They smelled incredible and looked stunning. And considering I didn’t have the funds to do much to dress up my new space, they would really liven up the place.

I pulled out the envelope attached to the flowers and slid my finger beneath the seal so I could read the card.

Here’s hoping your first day was a success. -Griffin

There were no grand statements about his feelings for me on the card, but that didn’t mean seeing the words that were there made me feel bad.

Not at all.

I loved them.

I loved the flowers.

Most of all, I loved that Griffin did something so thoughtful for me. It was such a sweet gesture, and I wanted him to know just how much I appreciated it.

I set the flowers down on the countertop in the kitchen—fortunately, they were already in a vase—and I went in search of my phone.

It rang twice before Griffin answered, “I was just getting ready to call you.”

“I beat you to it.”

“How was your first day?” he asked.

“It was great. I really enjoyed it. So far, I like all of my coworkers, and the work itself isn’t so bad,” I answered. “But the very best part of it was getting home and receiving a floral delivery.”

“Did you like them?”
