Page 10 of Tempting Tiger

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Mason looked at him before turning his attention back to the road. “Okay.”

Elijah sighed. “Are you a Bengal tiger?”

The truck swerved before Mason righted it. He glanced at Elijah. “What makes you think that?”

“Answering a question with a question.” Elijah pursed his lips. “That’s a sure sign of guilt.”

Now Elijah suspected that Roman had been telling the truth.

“First tell me why you would even ask that,” Mason said.

“My boss told me, though he was only saying that for shock value since I’d told Julian that I’d met someone.” Elijah curled his lips in. He shouldn’t have said that last part. Just because Mason had asked him to go to the tavern with him for karaoke didn’t mean anything. Just two friends hanging out.

Were they friends?

Mason sighed. “Roman shouldn’t have said anything, but, yes, I’m a Bengal tiger shifter.” He looked at Elijah. “Does that scare you?”

“After the fight that took place at the diner two weeks ago, I don’t think finding out you’re a tiger is at the top of my scary list.”

Not when that wolf had been trying to kill Julian. Not when Elijah had seen his boss shift. Was he becoming desensitized? He should be freaking out, too, about Mason, but he wasn’t. In fact, he thought it was pretty cool.

“Does Gage know?”

Mason looked at him before glancing away.

Elijah crossed his arms. “What aren’t you telling me?” he asked. Then a thought struck him. “Please don’t tell me you slept with him.”

“No!” Mason cleared his throat. “I don’t see Gage that way.”

“Then what is it?” Elijah was beyond curious. He’d known Tido and Drake pretty much his whole life, but he’d just met Gage two years ago. There was something going on with Gage, and since he was one of Elijah’s best friends, Elijah wanted to know.

“Yes, Gage knows,” Mason said as he let Elijah’s hand go. “It’s not my place to talk about him.”

“Oh, no,” Elijah said. “You can’t pique my curiosity and then slam the lid on it. That’s cruel.”

Now all kinds of ideas were shooting through Elijah’s brain. “Answer me one question.” He turned so he could face Mason. “Is he human?”

“We’re here.” Mason pulled into a parking space. “Let’s go see how your grandmother is doing.”

Elijah narrowed his eyes. “This isn’t over, Mason.”

And he was going to have a talk with Gage. Until then, Elijah hopped out of the truck and ran into the emergency room, Mason right behind him. He walked to the intake desk. “Hi, I’m here for Claire Montgomery. I’m her grandson. She was brought in by ambulance.”

The lady started tapping on her keyboard as Mason joined Elijah by his side. He slipped an arm around Elijah’s shoulders, and Elijah was damn grateful for Mason’s presence.

“I’ll let the doctor know you’re here,” the woman said. “Just have a seat in the waiting area.”

“Do you know how long?” Elijah asked.

“I’m sorry, but I have no idea how long this will take.”

“Come on.” Mason gently coaxed Elijah to the row of chairs by the large windows that overlooked a grassy area on the side of the hospital. Elijah sat, glancing around at the other people who were seated in the emergency room.

Everyone seemed down. Then again, it was an emergency room and these people were probably sick and waiting to be seen or waiting on someone they loved.

“They should have let me go back there,” Elijah said. “I’m her grandson. Family. I shouldn’t have to wait out here, going out of my mind wondering what’s going on.”

“I know, hon. There’s nothing we can do but wait.” He rubbed Elijah’s arm.
