Page 12 of Tempting Tiger

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He would have taken his mate anywhere he wanted to go, but Mason liked the idea of taking him back to his restaurant. That meant he would be able to spend more time with him. “That addicted?”

Elijah looked at him. “Are you serious? I used to hate barbeque before Gage introduced me to your cooking.”

Pride swelled Mason’s chest as he pulled from the parking lot and headed toward Wild Tiger.

“And don’t think I’ve forgotten about our earlier conversation,” Elijah said.

Mason grinned, although he wasn’t sure what part of the conversation Elijah was referring to.

His smile faded when he pulled into the parking lot of Wild Tiger and saw a familiar red Mustang. Mason glanced at the license plate. TIGERZ.

The plate was about as original as the person who owned the car.

“Why’re you frowning?” Elijah asked.

It seemed his brother had blown into town, and Mason wasn’t happy to see him. Nothing good would come of Reid’s visit. “You’re about to meet my brother.” Mason looked at Elijah. “Don’t be fooled by his good looks or charm.”

“Okay.” Elijah frowned. “I thought family was everything.”

“There are a few exceptions to that.” Reid was one of them. Mason adored his parents and his other relatives, but his mom would have done the world a favor by eating her youngest when he was born.

For reasons Mason would never understand, Reid had always been jealous of him. Their parents had given them equal love, equal time, and equal attention, yet Reid always wanted more.

It was as if his little brother detested Mason’s existence. But the guy was damn good at covering up his disdain. Whenever they were home for the holidays or for any other occasion, Reid laid on the charm, yet when the two were alone, Reid never hid the fact that he wished Mason was never born.

And now Reid was in Midnight Falls. Mason had only been there a year, moving as far away from his hometown as possible, and Midnight Falls was halfway across the country from Brac Village.

Mason dreaded finding out what his brother wanted. Or, more precisely, what Reid was up to.

Trying his best to keep his cool, Mason walked toward the door, Elijah right behind him. His mate had already been through enough this evening, and Mason didn’t want to add to that.

When he stepped inside the restaurant, Mason gnashed his teeth. Reid was there, smiling and laughing with Gage, Drake, and Tido. Even Kenny stood on the other side of the counter smiling.

“Elijah?” Gage jumped up and hurried over. “I wasn’t expecting to see you here.” He looked up at Mason then back at Elijah. “We should seriously talk.”

“My grandma’s in the hospital, and Mason gave me a ride there,” Elijah replied.

“Why didn’t you call us?” Tido ran over to them and hugged Elijah.

Mason stood back, watching the scene before him unfold. Reid still smiled his fake smile, but there was a hint of malice in his eyes. Mason knew that his brother wasn’t here just for a visit.

He was up to something.

“Hey, bro,” Reid said, his voice dripping with fake sincerity. “Long time, no see.”

“You never told me that you had a brother,” Gage said. “Reid has been telling us stories of when you two were younger.”

Reid wasn’t a big enough idiot to reveal to the humans what they were. More than likely he’d left out the part about them being tigers.

“He’s a hoot,” Tido said.

Drake was the only one who wasn’t smiling. In fact, the human appeared bored. “Can we get some food, Mason? Kenny said we can’t have any unless you give the go-ahead.”

“But Reid said it was okay,” Tido whined to Drake. “They’re brothers. His word should be just as good.”

“That’s not how business works,” Drake said. “Let’s go eat.”

Drake cut his eyes at Reid before he grabbed Tido’s hand and pulled him away.
