Page 20 of Tempting Tiger

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He slid his hands down Mason’s powerful back, up his sides, and curled his fingers around his biceps as Mason possessed Elijah’s mouth and punched his hips forward, fucking Elijah like a dream.

Then Mason purred. It was the strangest and sexiest sound Elijah had ever heard. “You’re purring.”

“My cat is purring,” Mason said. “He’s happy.”

Elijah laughed. “I love that sound.”

He wanted to hear it again. But Mason thrust harder, making Elijah’s thoughts shatter.

Mason struck, biting into Elijah’s shoulder. Elijah came so hard his damn head hurt and his balls felt as if they’d shriveled up.

But he also felt something inside him… He wasn’t sure how to describe the feeling. Like he and Mason had become one. Even in his head that sounded insane, but that was how it felt.

Mason removed his sharp teeth, licked where he’d bitten, and buried himself deep inside Elijah’s ass. Mason collapsed, resting his arms on either side of Elijah’s head, and used the pads of his thumbs to brush circles over Elijah’s cheeks.

“Did you feel our bond snapping into place?”

“What that what that feeling was?” Elijah was breathing heavy, but he’d managed to push those words past his lips.

“Yes.” There was hesitation in Mason’s eyes. It was hard to imagine such a strong, dominant male feeling insecure. But Elijah guessed that even those who seemed so confident needed reassurance once in a while. He didn’t want Mason to think he regretted doing this.

“I now have my very own kitty cat,” Elijah teased. “I hope you don’t mind me calling you that. I called my boss a kitty cat, and he snarled at me.” Elijah pursed his lips. “No, I called him a pussy cat…twice.”

Mason chuckled. “You can call me your kitty cat.”

“Can I see your cat?” Now Elijah was excited. He’d seen other people change into animals, but this was different. Mason was his mate.

“Are you sure?” Mason frowned. “I don’t want you to be afraid of me.”

“Pfft.” Elijah waved off Mason’s concern. “I’ve seen someone shift already. I was this close to a wolf and a snow leopard. I can handle it.”

Elijah shouted when Mason transformed into a Bengal tiger. The damn thing wasn’t small and weighed a ton! The tiger was lying stretched out right next to Elijah.

“Okay, so I’m a little freaked out,” Elijah admitted.

The cat licked his face.

“Ew!” Elijah wiped his cheek. “No kisses in your cat form. You might think I’m tasty and try to eat me.”

The cat was majestic. Orange with black strips, and it barely fit on the bed. Elijah petted it, loving how soft it felt as Mason purred. He really had to be crazy if he wasn’t freaked that a large predator was lying right next to him.

“My, Mason, what long teeth you have. The better to devour me in one bite.” Elijah chuckled nervously. “I pray to god you can understand me.”

Then Mason was back in his human form, the transformation so fast that Elijah barely saw it. “I can understand you, and I would never eat you.” He looked down at Elijah’s cock. “Not how you think. I’d devour your cock, though.”

“My life is definitely crazy,” Elijah said.

“No regrets?” Mason asked.

“None,” Elijah said without hesitation. He was so happy and content that he didn’t know what to do with himself. He was mated to a tiger. How weird was that?

He touched his shoulder “But you could have warned me that you were going to bite me. If it hadn’t made my cock explode, I would have punched you.”

“Sorry.” Mason nuzzled Elijah’s neck. “I was afraid you’d back out of this if you knew I had to bite you.”

Would Elijah have said no if he’d known Mason had to bite him? It was too late to contemplate that now. He and Mason were mated. Maybe later the full impact of what he’d done would hit him.

For now, Elijah just wanted to curl into Mason and take a long freaking nap.
