Page 22 of Tempting Tiger

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The house seemed eerily quiet. Elijah was used to hearing the television going and his granddad prattling or busying himself with his paintings. He used to paint a lot in his free time, but now his projects were few and far between. Granddad mostly admired his past work these days.

When his phone rang, Elijah jumped, caught off guard by the loud noise in the quiet. Then he smiled when he saw it was his mom calling. “Hey, Mom.”

“Why didn’t you call me the minute your grandma had her accident?” his mother asked. “I had to wait a few days and hear it from your granddad.”

He’d completely forgotten to call his parents. “I’m sorry. There’s just been a lot going on.”

“What could be more important than you letting me know my mom fell and had a mini stroke because of it?”

He explained to his mom about Kyle.

“I never liked that boy,” she said. “The worst manners. Is he still harassing you? Do I need to send your father up there to handle him?”

Not in a million years. Elijah’s parents had had him late in life, and to think of his dad trying to fight Kyle made Elijah grimace. “No, ma’am.”

“Too bad. We’re already on our way there. We left an hour ago,” she said. “I want to be there for your grandma. Your grandad is probably beside himself with worry. Besides, I haven’t seen you since last Christmas. I miss you.”

He missed his parents, too. Just because he was an adult didn’t mean he was fine with not seeing them. Every child, no matter how old, needed their parent or parents from time to time. Elijah was no exception.

“When will you get here?”

“Probably in a day or two. Your father can’t drive straight through, and my back can’t either. We’re going to have to make frequent stops, but we’ll be there.”

Elijah couldn’t wait to see them. But if his father tried to put Kyle in his place, Elijah would end up shooting his off-again boyfriend if he even thought about laying a hand on his father.

“You two drive safely,” Elijah said. “Grandma’s getting better, so take your time.”

He really was looking forward to their visit, but it also meant, if his grandma was released after they arrived, Elijah would have help taking care of them. Which was a relief since taking care of elderly grandparents was exhausting.

When his parents decided they’d wanted to move to Florida, they’d wanted to take Elijah’s grandparents with them, but his grandma had refused to go, saying that Midnight Falls was her home. Elijah had volunteered to move in and look after them, because his mom had made it look so easy.

It wasn’t. How his mom and dad had done it was anyone’s guess. Now Elijah would have help, even if it was only for a few days.

“I’ll see you when we get there,” his mom said. “Love you.”

“Love you too.” Elijah hung up and dropped onto the sofa, feeling as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. He started to call Mason to tell his mate that his parents were coming to town, but someone knocked on the door.

If it was Kyle, Elijah was laying into him for the stunt he’d pulled yesterday. No amount of charming smiles would make Elijah forgive him. There was no more on-again, off-again because Elijah was now mated, and even if he wasn’t, he would be done with Kyle.

With an attitude, Elijah whipped the door open. Only, it wasn’t Kyle. It was Mason’s brother, Reid. His red Mustang was in the driveway. How had Elijah not heard him pull in?

“Can I help you?” Elijah asked. “Mason isn’t here.”

Maybe he shouldn’t have said that.

“I wasn’t looking for Mason,” Reid said. “Wanted to meet my brother’s boyfriend.” He looked Elijah over. “Unless you’re something more to him.”

He had to remind himself that Reid wasn’t human. He was a Bengal tiger, a large predator that could kill him if he pissed Reid off. Then again, he didn’t know Reid, and maybe Mason’s brother wasn’t the type to anger quickly.

“We met,” Elijah reminded him.

“We did.” Reid nodded as he leaned his upper arm against the doorframe. “But we really didn’t talk.”

Elijah didn’t think they had anything to talk about. He also didn’t think it was appropriate for Reid to come see him with Mason not there. “On what planet is it okay for you to come by to see me?” he asked. “I don’t know you, and just because you’re Mason’s brother doesn’t make this okay.”

And how in the hell had Reid found out where Elijah lived? Was the brother stalking him, too? It was a creepy thought and Elijah prayed he was wrong.

Reid laughed and shook his head. “You’re right. I apologize. I just wanted a chance to get to know you better. Mason speaks highly of you, and I’m a curious creature.”
