Page 24 of Tempting Tiger

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“Come on.” Mason grabbed Elijah’s hand. “Between Kyle and Reid, I want you at the restaurant with me.”

“As long as you feed me.” Elijah chuckled. “Now I see why Gage, Drake, and Tido come by.”

Mason rolled his eyes. “I humor them because Gage is like a little brother to me. Otherwise, I’d kick their asses out.” He gave Elijah a soft kiss that made Elijah’s heart race. “Besides, Gage brought you to me, so they can eat there for free for the rest of their lives.”

Elijah smiled. The way Mason looked at him, the way he touched him, made Elijah feel like the luckiest man in the world. Mason’s kindness and affection were everything to him.

* * * *

After Mason dropped Elijah off that night, he went on the hunt for Reid. He couldn’t believe his brother had pulled a stunt like that, and he was going to kill him for going anywhere near his mate.

He pulled into the parking lot of the motel where Reid was staying. He saw the red Mustang immediately, but he sat in his truck for a moment, trying to rein in his beast. Mason wanted to confront Reid, but their parents would be pretty upset if Mason killed the son of a bitch.

Mason got out and went to the front desk. He had no idea what room Reid was staying in. When he strode inside, there was a guy behind the desk, watching something on his laptop. He looked up and smiled.

“Need a room for the night?”

“No.” Mason shook his head. “I need to know what room Reid McGinley is staying in.”

“I’m sorry.” The guy looked apologetic. “I can’t give you that information. We pride ourselves on our customers’ privacy.”

Mason pulled out a hundred-dollar bill and slapped it on the counter.

The stranger’s eyes lit up. He looked around, as if someone would jump from the shadows, then used the motel computer. “He’s in room 104.” Then the guy pocketed the money. “If you say I gave you the information, I’ll say you’re lying.”

“Don’t worry,” Mason said.

“And please, no fighting.” He shook his head. “My boss will kill me if the police are called or the room is wrecked.”

Mason simply grunted. If Reid didn’t have a good enough reason for visiting Elijah, Mason couldn’t promise he wouldn’t try to kill his brother.

“I mean it!” the guy called out as Mason left the office.

Mason headed straight for the room.

Mason knocked. No one answered. He knocked harder. “I know you’re in there. Your car is here.”

Just then Reid came from around the corner of the building with some guy. His brother stumbled a little, a bottle in his hand. Shifters couldn’t get drunk off of human alcohol, so he must be drinking Red Spanking, an alcoholic drink that put shifters on their asses. A drink that would kill a human if they consumed it.

“Mason!” Reid’s eyes were glassy as he swayed toward Mason. “What’re you doing here?”

Mason looked at the stranger with Reid. The guy seemed stone-cold sober, and he was eyeing Mason as if sizing him up.

“You’re drunk,” Mason snarled. He thought Reid had kicked the habit, but clearly, he hadn’t.

“I am!” Reid chuckled as he fumbled in his pocket. “Can’t find my damn key card.”

“It’s in your hand.” Mason took it and used the card to open the motel door.

When the stranger tried to walk in, Mason held up a hand. “It’s best you leave.”

“It’s best Reid pays me what he owes me.” The guy put his hands on his hips, revealing a gun in his waistband. The guy was tall and slim, with dark hair that hung in messy waves around his face. He had an angular jawline, high cheekbones, and a scar above his left eyebrow that gave him a dangerous edge.

But he was human, so Mason didn’t think him much of a threat.

“You heard him,” Reid said, stumbling past Mason into the motel room. “I don’t owe you anything.”

The stranger’s hand went to his gun, and Mason didn’t waste any time. He lunged forward, grabbing the stranger’s wrist and twisting it until the gun fell from his hand. With his other hand, Mason delivered a punch to the guy’s gut that made him double over.
