Page 27 of Tempting Tiger

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Elijah choked on his soda, his face turning beet red as his parents looked at him in surprise.

“A sex club?” Kit repeated, sounding amused.

“You are so not funny,” Elijah said. “We met at his restaurant, Mom. I swear. He’s messing with you. I’ve never been to a sex club, ever.”

His dad laughed. “Good one.”

“No, it wasn’t,” Elijah countered as he glared at Mason, wondering why his mate would even say that to his parents.

“He fell in love with my barbeque,” Mason admitted.

“Really?” his dad asked. “He doesn’t even like barbeque.”

Okay, it was time to end this. It seemed Mason was having too much fun at Elijah’s expense. Harmless fun, but embarrassing. “Time for lunch.” Elijah got up, giving Mason the stink-eye. “You can help me set the table.”

“Yes, sir.” Mason smiled as he followed Elijah into the kitchen.

Then Elijah spun on him. “What was that about?”

“What?” Mason asked innocently. “I was just having a bit of fun.”

“Sex club, really?” Elijah slapped a hand over his face. “I’m going to kill you.”

“I’m sorry,” Mason said. “I thought it would be funny, but I clearly miscalculated.”

“You are so going to owe me for this,” Elijah huffed.

“What do I have to do to make it up to you?” Mason backed him against the counter, and Elijah was unable to resist. He’d been craving his mate since Mason had left early this morning to put the meat on the spit at the restaurant. Who knew you had to get up at the butt-crack of dawn to do that?

At least the guy was dedicated to his work.

“We can’t fool around.” Elijah tilted his head to the side as Mason nibbled his way around. “I’m not going to have my parents catch us.”

Mason chuckled against Elijah’s jaw, sending shivers through him. “It would only confirm my early story about how we met.”

Elijah shoved at Mason’s chest. “You’re still not funny.”

“I’m hilarious.” Mason trapped him against the counter, placing a hand on either side of Elijah. “I missed you.”

Elijah was finding it hard to think with a wall of muscle trapping him. What were they talking about?

“I missed you too.” Elijah murmured before he finally gave in and devoured Mason’s lips.

He moaned in pleasure, wrapping his arms around Mason’s neck as the kiss deepened. The sensations coursing through him were enough to make him forget he was supposed to be setting the table.

A throat cleared, and Elijah shoved Mason so hard that his mate stumbled back a few steps. Mason was a big guy, and Elijah knew he wouldn’t have been able to do that usually on his own. His mate had been caught off guard.

“Um, yeah… Mom? What do you need?” Elijah cleared his own throat as his face heated to nuclear levels. There was nothing more embarrassing than having your mom catch you making out with your mate. Well, to her, Mason was Elijah’s boyfriend, but still…

“Kyle is at the front door.” She looked between Elijah and Mason. “I wasn’t sure what to tell him, so I thought I’d leave that up to you.”

“I told you what to tell him,” Elijah’s dad groused as he walked into the kitchen. “He scared our boy half to death and could have killed Elijah with his antics. Where’s my shotgun?”

“You don’t have one,” Elijah reminded his dad. He was about to turn and storm into the living room, but Mason beat him to it.

“Oh boy.” His mom smiled. “I’m liking Mason already. He seems very protective of you.”

“I’m still going to put my foot up Kyle’s ass,” Elijah’s dad said.
