Page 28 of Tempting Tiger

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His dad was in his sixties. No way would he win a fight with Kyle, but Elijah loved that his dad was also protective of him. “I got this. You two set the table. Mason and I will be right back.”

Elijah hurried from the room, hoping he wasn’t too late to stop Mason from killing Kyle.

* * * *

After what Elijah had told him about Kyle’s reckless driving, Mason was going to snap the fucker’s neck. Elijah had already made it abundantly clear that he wanted nothing to do with Kyle, but the slimeball kept popping up where he was least wanted.

Mason swung the door open and stared down at the human. At six-five, he stared down at a lot of people, but Kyle wasn’t much taller than Elijah. He was built like a linebacker, with piercing hazel eyes and a head full of soft-looking brown hair, but he was also a douchebag. “What do you want?”

Kyle sized Mason up. “I’m here to see Elijah.”

“Look, dick for brains, Elijah made it clear he doesn’t want to see you. Get into your car and drive away.”

“This is what you dropped me for?” Kyle asked, though he was looking past Mason.

Mason glanced over his shoulder to see Elijah approaching. His mate looked as pissed as Mason felt, so he stepped aside, allowing his mate to handle this. If Kyle got out of line, he was going to learn real fast what a Bengal tiger was capable of.

“What do you want, Kyle?” Elijah stopped at the door and crossed his arms, glaring at Kyle. “It’s cold, and I’m letting the heat out. Hurry and tell me why you’re here.”

“I heard your grandma was coming home today,” Kyle said, obviously ignoring Mason’s presence. “I wanted to see how she was doing.”

“Since when do you care?” Elijah asked. “You’ve been trying to get me to stick them in an old folks home since my parents moved away and I took over their care.”

“I was just trying to look out for them,” Kyle argued. “You weren’t enough. They need twenty-four-hour care.”

“In one of those crappy homes?” Elijah said, his voice growing louder. “You weren’t thinking about my grandparents. You were thinking about yourself.”

Kyle cut his eyes to Mason before looking back at Elijah, as if weighing the pros and cons of being an asshole right now. Mason was praying the guy did something, anything, that would warrant him beating the living daylights out of him.

Mason looked past Kyle and saw a red Mustang pulling in behind the Charger. He couldn’t believe his eyes. This was turning into a clown show. Mason snarled as he shoved past Kyle and made his way to the curb. For a second he was about to walk to Kyle’s car and punch the hood, leaving behind a huge dent, but he made a beeline for Reid instead.

“Are you serious right now?” Mason snarled.

“I came by to apologize,” Reid said as he looked toward the front door. “One of your employees told me you were here, or else I wouldn’t have come.” He frowned. “What’s going on over there?”

Mason looked and saw Elijah and Kyle watching them, as if Mason was about to put on a show. He turned back to his brother. “We’ll talk later, but now is not a good time.”

“Who is that guy?” Reid asked as he narrowed his eyes. “Do you need me to take out the trash?”

Was his brother for real right now? Reid and Kyle both needed to piss off. Elijah’s parents had just arrived, and Mason didn’t want them to see just how dysfunctional his relationship with his brother truly was. He’d already fucked up with that very bad joke, and Elijah would try to neuter him if Reid caused a scene.

“What I need you to do is get back in your car and drive away,” Mason said. “We’ll. Talk. Later.”

“Okay, okay.” Reid held up his hands. “Jeez. Didn’t mean to come at such a bad time.”

Anytime Reid showed up was a bad time. Not for the first time Mason wished his mom had eaten her young.

After Reid slipped back into his car, Mason spun when he heard Elijah and Kyle arguing.

Sweet fucking Jesus. This was not happening. Mason stormed across the lawn just as Kyle took a menacing step forward. He grabbed the human by the back of his coat and slung him toward the yard. Kyle stumbled and fell on his ass but jumped right back up.

“I’m suing you for touching me!” Kyle shouted. “I know who you are, Mason McGinley.”

“I didn’t see anything,” Elijah said. “As far as I remember, you took a step back, stumbled, and fell on your ass.”

“Same as I saw it,” Elijah’s dad said from behind his son. “If I were you, I’d watch the cracks in the walkway. They could be deadly.”

There were no cracks.
