Page 29 of Tempting Tiger

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Mason groaned when he saw that Reid had not only stayed but he’d gotten back out of his car. This was not a time for his brother to lose his temper. Mason had this under control.

“Are you threatening me?” Kyle asked Elijah’s father.

“Just making an observation, son.” Elijah’s father smiled. “Slippery out here, too. I might need to get my shotgun to help you to your car.” He waved a hand. “I meant my father-in-law’s walker.”

“Fuck you, Elijah.” Kyle wiped his ass off. “I knew you were trash the moment I met you.”

Mason slugged Kyle on the jaw but not as hard as he wanted to. If he had, he would have snapped the human’s head off.

“I told you it was slippery out there,” Elijah’s father said a little louder. “Gotta be careful you don’t fall and crack your jaw on the concrete.”

Mason narrowed his eyes at Kyle. “Don’t ever disparage Elijah again. I should slug you one more time for having such a potty mouth in front of his father.”

Behind Kyle, Reid was laughing so hard he was holding his side.

Kyle stomped toward his car at the curb, got in, and peeled off.

“I knew he was trash the moment I met him,” Elijah’s father said before he walked away. “At least your taste has improved, son.”

Mason pointed to Reid’s car. His brother rolled his eyes, got in, and drove away.

“The neighbors were entertained,” Elijah said.

Mason looked around and grimaced when he saw a few people on their porches, looking his way. Great, now he had witnesses to his assault.

As if reading his mind, Elijah squeezed Mason’s hand. “Don’t worry. They’ll say whatever my granddad tells them to say. They’re too afraid he’ll bite them.”

With a grin, Mason slid an arm around Elijah’s shoulders, walked them back inside, and closed the door.

Chapter Eight

“What’s wrong?” Tido asked. He and Elijah sat in the back of Drake’s car, waiting for the light to change. “I’d think you’d be happy that you have a new boyfriend.”

Drake and Gage were in the front, arguing over what music to listen to. Elijah turned to Tido. “Kyle keeps coming around. Why won’t he leave me alone? He was never this…” Elijah whirled his hands, trying to think of the best word. “Obsessed.”

Tido sighed. “Dude, guys do crazy things when their ego is shattered. Tell me, Elijah. Whenever you two were ‘off-again,’ who called it?”

“Called it?”

“Yeah. Who said it was time to take a break?”

“Kyle.” Then Elijah thought about it. “Except the last time. I was sick of him disregarding my grandparents.”

“Exactly.” Tido nodded. “He’s always been the one to cool things off with you. Now that you’ve reversed roles, he doesn’t like it. You see, men like Kyle, with tiny brains, can’t handle being dumped. Too much testosterone or something. Who knows.” He squeezed Elijah’s knee. “Now you have a guy who will pulverize Kyle if he doesn’t knock it off.”

Elijah grinned. “Kyle came over yesterday. My parents had just gotten there, and Kyle tried to be all sweet and kind. My dad saw right through it.”

“Because your dad is smart,” Tido said. “With age comes wisdom, unless you’re a natural-born idiot. Then no amount of aging is gonna help you.”

Elijah cracked up. “Anyway, Mason was there, too.”

Tido’s eyes widened. “Tell me he kicked Kyle’s ass.”

Suddenly, Elijah noticed the music had stopped. Drake and Gage were listening.

“When Kyle took a step toward me, Mason slung him backward, and Kyle fell on his ass. Then, when Kyle insulted me, Mason punched him.”

“No way!” Drake laughed so hard he had tears in his eyes.
