Page 36 of Tempting Tiger

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A thought struck Elijah. “Are you hiding pointy ears?”

Slowly, Gage removed it.

Elijah squealed when he saw just how pointy they were. No wonder Gage constantly wore his wool-knit Rasta hats. Gage owned dozens of them, varying in color. The one he’d just pulled off was green, to match his hair, though his hair was a darker shade of green.

Elijah thought for a minute, absorbing this new information. “This is awesome.” He looked at Gage with newfound admiration. “So, what’s the deal? Can you teach me how to do magic?”

“Sorry, but no. You have to be born a fairy, Elijah.”

All sorts of gay jokes popped into Elijah’s head, but he kept them to himself. He’d probably be the only one who found them funny. Even so, Elijah thought this was so cool. “Why didn’t you just tell us.”

“No!” Gage’s blue eyes widened. “You can’t tell anyone. Swear to me, Elijah. Swear you’ll keep this to yourself.” Gage palmed his own face. “Look who I’m talking to. You can’t hold a secret to save your life.”

“I’m gonna head out,” Mason said.

“Did you not hear I word I said to you?” Gage asked.

“I agree with Gage,” Elijah interjected. “You’re going to be suspect number one if Kyle is killed.”

Plus, as much of a rank asshole as Kyle was, Elijah didn’t want to be responsible for someone’s death. He wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he knew he’d gotten someone killed.

“This goes against my nature,” Mason snarled. “He touched my mate and deserves to die.”

“Or…or…” Elijah said. “He deserves someone as miserable as him. Can’t you find a shifter you hate and have him mate Kyle?”

Mason frowned. “That’s not how it works, sweetheart. We already talked about this.”

“Okay.” Elijah waved a hand at Gage. “Do one of your spells and make Kyle forget I even exist.”

“Can you do that?” Mason asked.

“Why can’t you just get a vampire to erase Kyle’s memory of Elijah?” Gage asked. “If I use my magic, they might…” He looked away. “It would be better if you outsourced this.”

“What?” Elijah touched Gage’s shoulder, shelving, for a moment, the fact that vampires existed because it looked as if Gage needed him. He’d freak out later.

“Nothing.” Gage turned and smiled at them as if he had a split personality. One moment he appeared apprehensive, and now he looked a little too happy.

“Fine, we’re back to secrets,” Elijah grumbled.

All three turned their heads when they heard something break. Mason stormed out of the room, but there was no way in hell Elijah was staying behind. He and Gage looked at each other before they bolted from the room, Elijah noticing how Gage slipped his hat back on while they ran.

A gunshot rang out. Elijah instinctively hit the floor, dragging Gage down with him. Had Kyle followed them there? Was he really the type to shoot up a house? It seemed Elijah hadn’t known his ex at all.

Mason crept to the window, keeping his back to the wall. He leaned sideways and looked past the curtain as Elijah’s heart raced a thousand miles a second. “Is it Kyle?”

Mason cursed. “No, it’s Reggie.”

Elijah frowned. “Who?”

“Who in the hell is Reggie, and why is he shooting at my house?” Gage demanded from the floor next to Elijah.

“A guy my brother owes money to. I may or may not have roughed him up a bit.”

“Why is it every time you rough a guy up, they end up coming after me?” Elijah asked. “Okay, so Reggie might not be here for me, but I’m here, so that counts.”

“I knew I didn’t like your brother,” Gage said. “How much money does Reid owe that he has a guy willing to kill for it?”

“I have no idea,” Mason said as he looked out the window again. Then he pulled back quickly before more shots were fired.
