Page 37 of Tempting Tiger

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“If I live through this, I’m making myself a tiger rug,” Gage said.

Elijah wasn’t sure if his friend was talking about Mason’s hide or Reid’s. “How do we get rid of him?”

“Call the cops,” Gage said.

“They won’t get here in time because you chose to live in bum-fuck Egypt,” Mason said. “We’re ten miles from town.”

“Excuse me for wanting to live the country life,” Gage complained right before more shots rang out.

“Stay right here and stay low.” Mason stormed back toward the kitchen.

Again, Elijah and Gage glanced at each other. Then they pushed from the floor and hauled ass behind Mason.

* * * *

Mason was sick and tired of assholes bringing threats to his mate. Reggie might be there for him, but Elijah was there, too. Fine, if he couldn’t kill Kyle, Reggie was the next best thing.

Once in the kitchen, Mason stripped out of his clothing.


He looked up to see Elijah and Gage standing there, Gage’s gaze lowering to Mason’s crotch. Elijah slapped a hand over his friend’s eyes. “You don’t get to see his goodies.”

“He got my house shot up,” Gage argued. “If there’s a dong to look at, I’m looking at it.”

“Not if you don’t want me to scratch your damn eyes out,” Elijah argued right back.

Ignoring them, Mason opened the back door, shifted, and moved quickly outside. What he hadn’t told his mate was that Reggie had brought some friends. There wasn’t one active shooter but three.

Was Reggie afraid of getting his ass kicked again? That wasn’t going to be a problem. Mason wasn’t going to kick the guy’s ass.

He was going to end it.

Then he was going to kick Reid’s ass for getting them into this mess in the first place. He hadn’t heard from his brother since Reid had shown up at Elijah’s house when Kyle had been there, but Mason had no doubt his brother was somewhere around.

More than likely drunk as fuck at the motel.

Mason kept to the tall shrubbery as he made his way around the side of the house. The three men were spread out, which would make taking them down a lot easier.

Mason crept closer, his muscles tensing as he prepared to strike. He was sick and tired of all the threats and violence. It was time to end this once and for all. His eyes flickered between the three men, analyzing their movements and trying to figure out the best way to approach them.

He crouched behind a tall shrub, observing his targets. They were heavily armed and seemed to be on high alert, but their positioning made them vulnerable. Mason waited patiently for his moment, watching as the men scanned the perimeter of the house, searching for any signs of him.

As the men’s attention shifted, Mason began stalking toward the closest gunman. The man was still scanning the area, completely unaware of the danger that was creeping up behind him.

In one swift motion, Mason pounced, sinking his canines deep into the man’s throat. The man tried to scream as Mason tore flesh and muscle apart.

Then he pulled the guy into the bushes so the others couldn’t spot him.

Mason quickly moved to the next target, taking him out in a similar fashion.

Now it was just Reggie.

And this was personal.

Mason shifted back into his human form before he moved closer. The adrenaline coursing through his veins fueled his movements. He crept up behind Reggie and swiftly took him down with a hard punch to the back of his head. The man crumpled to the ground but didn’t pass out.

He looked up, and then his eyes widened. When he scrambled for his guns, Mason tossed them toward the bushes. “Now it’s just you and me.”
