Page 4 of Tempting Tiger

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“Spoilsport,” Gage grumbled as he walked out of the house.

“Mason really is hot,” Tido said. “Gage looks at him like a big brother, but I’d definitely do him.”

“Gage?” Elijah asked.

“No.” Tido wrinkled his nose. “I was talking about doing his boss.”

Drake sighed dreamily. “He has a strong jaw, dark hair that’s always perfectly styled, and facial hair I wouldn’t mind feeling tickling my naked body. Did anyone mention how ripped his body is? I could hang off of one of his biceps.”

Gage walked back inside, a paper bag in his hand. “You have to at least try the food. I’ll go warm it up.”

For nearly a year Gage had been bragging about Wild Tiger. Barbeque was never at the top of Elijah’s favorite food list, and since he worked at a diner, and ate there for free, he’d never been tempted to stop by.

Besides, Wild Tiger Barbeque was all the way on the other side of town, and since Elijah didn’t own a car, he’d never felt the urge to walk there.

Getting together with friends was a rare occasion since Elijah had moved in with his grandparents and started looking after them. Any spare time he had he spent catching up on sleep or doing odd jobs around the house for them. His social life was almost nonexistent.

Luckily his friends hadn’t forgotten about him.

“Here you go.” Gage set a plate on Elijah’s lap. “I know you’re not a big barbeque fan, but try the pulled pork sandwich. Mason puts the meat on the spit early in the morning. It’s so tender the meat just falls apart.”

Elijah wasn’t a fan of barbeque because his father used to grill, and the meat had always been tough. He used to also make his own sauce, and Elijah had hated how it tasted. He examined the sandwich for a moment, praying it wasn’t nasty or tough, and then took a bite.

It was like an orgasm had imploded in his mouth. Like angels were singing on his tongue. Like his tastebuds had been slapped back to life after being dormant for decades. The meat was thick and smoky, tender, and the sauce…holy fuck!

“Told you.” Gage smiled, his eyes twinkling. “Good, huh?”

Elijah didn’t bother to answer. He devoured the sandwich then looked toward the kitchen.

“I’ll warm you up the wings.” He winked. “I would never lie to you about food, darling.”

“Your mouth orgasmed, didn’t it?” Tido chuckled.

Elijah didn’t even mind the pieces of fat in the meat, because he knew fat added flavor. “It was the best sandwich I’ve ever eaten.”

“Another one has been converted,” Drake said. “I eat there all the time now.”

Now Elijah wanted more. A lot more. He could see himself walking across town just to get some pulled pork. Damn Gage for making him try some.

“Mason makes all his sauces from scratch,” Tido said. “You should try his Caribbean selections. There’s something about the combination of barbeque sauce and pineapple.”

Gage brought him six wings, and Elijah stripped them down to the bone. “Anything else?”

Gage shook his head. “If I’d known you’d become an addict, I would have brought more.”

“He only brought enough for you,” Tido said a little testily. “He was determined to make you a believer, but he could have brought some for all of us.”

“Jonesing?” Drake laughed. “Poor Tido.”

Elijah was a believer. He believed he wanted more. “Is the place still open?”

Drake chuckled. “It’s only seven. Of course it’s still open.”

“I’ll stay here,” Tido said. “No use ogling a man who doesn’t return my flirting. Bring me back some ribs, baked beans, and don’t you even think about forgetting some of his homemade mac and cheese.”

After Elijah went to the bathroom to wipe the thick sauce off his face, and check on his grandparents to make sure they were still asleep, he, Drake, and Gage took off in Drake’s car to get some more of those delicious crack sandwiches.

Chapter Two
