Page 7 of Tempting Tiger

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“Are you feeling okay?” Gage asked. “Since when do you want one of my friends helping you?”

“It’s a big order,” Mason said, giving Gage a look that hopefully conveyed what Mason was trying to nonverbally say. Which was, mind your own damn business.

“Something freaky is going on,” Drake said as he eyed Mason. “Did something possess you?”

Mason ignored them.

Elijah looked as if he was considering the offer for a moment before nodding. “Sure, I can help. It’s the least I can do after you fed me,” he said with a small smile.

Mason’s heart jumped at the sight of Elijah’s smile. He quickly pushed down the feeling, not wanting to come on too strong. “Great, let’s go,” he said, grabbing the bags of food off the counter and heading out the door with Elijah following behind.

“Do you make deliveries a lot?” Elijah asked as they got into the truck and Mason started the engine.

“Not really,” Mason admitted. “But it’s not too hard. We just have to drop off some food to the fire department a few blocks away.”

Elijah nodded and settled into the seat next to Mason. There was a comfortable silence between them as Mason navigated the streets, occasionally stealing glances at his passenger.

When they arrived at the fire department, Mason parked the truck and led Elijah inside. The firefighters were grateful for the food and eagerly dug in as Mason and Elijah chatted with them for a few moments.

Fire Chief Dillon Scott clapped Mason on the shoulder. “Thanks for helping us out. We just came from a fire a half an hour ago and we’re starving.”

“Where was the fire?” Mason asked.

“Some empty farmhouse.” Dillon shook his head. “Damn kids. The farmhouse was one of their hangout spots. Teenagers get bored in this small town. Someone must have knocked something over or didn’t put out whatever they were smoking. Though, these days, everyone is vaping.”

Mason didn’t point out that fire was required to smoke weed. He’d tried it once, back in the sixties, and didn’t like it. Not that he could get high. Drugs burned through a shifter’s body too quickly. He hadn’t liked the taste.

Give him a bourbon any day. Even though he couldn’t get drunk, the sweet taste of caramel and vanilla always hit the spot.

As they left, Mason couldn’t resist asking Elijah if he wanted to do something later that night. “Fearless Fox is doing karaoke tonight. Want to come sing some terrible ’80s songs with me?”

Elijah’s laugh was like music to Mason’s ears. “That sounds like fun, but I can’t. I have to get back to my grandparents.”

The disappointment was clear in Elijah’s voice.

Mason nodded, trying to hide his own disappointment. He understood that family came first, but he felt the pang in his chest at the thought of not spending more time with Elijah. “Family is the most important thing,” he said. “Can I ask how old they are?”

“My granddad is ninety-five. My grandma is eighty-seven.”

Mason held open the passenger door so Elijah could get in. “Are they in good health?” he asked as he held the door.

“Somewhat,” Elijah said. “My granddad has some dementia, and my grandma thinks I’m her daughter.” He shrugged. “I’m dealing.”

“Hang on.” Mason closed Elijah’s door, walked around the hood, then got in. “I think it’s noble of you to look after them.”

“You do?” Elijah looked surprised at Mason’s statement.

“Of course.” He started the truck. “Not everyone has the dedication to take care of loved ones in their old age. It takes a lot of patience and love.”

Elijah leaned back against the seat, looking out the window. “It’s hard sometimes, you know? But I couldn’t leave them alone. They’ve always been there for me. It’s my turn to be there for them.”

Mason nodded. “I get it. Family is everything.”

Elijah turned to look at Mason, their eyes locking. “I don’t have much family left, just my parents and grandparents. But you’re right. They’re everything.” There was a moment of silence between them before Elijah spoke again. “I’d like to see you again, Mason. Maybe we could go to Fearless Fox another night?”

Mason grinned, feeling a warmth spread through his chest. “I’d like that, Elijah. That sounds perfect.”

* * * *
