Page 10 of Breaking Point

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“Enough of that.” Zayde sat up straighter. “I assume you’re older than you look. So, how old are you?”

“Over three hundred.”

His mate snatched his hand away. “Get out.”

“No, I am, and you’ll age slowly now, too, Zayde.” Denali was trying his best to make his mate see the good side to this so he wouldn’t focus on the dangers. That last thing Denali wanted was for his mate to reject him. He’d never heard of a preternatural being rejected by their mate, but it was their worst fear, nonetheless.

Denali was also very proud of how well Zayde was taking this.

“So I’ve basically stumbled into a very dangerous world, but I have a lion who will protect me and I’ve discovered the fountain of youth.” Zayde pursed his lips. “I guess there have to be drawbacks with so many amazing benefits.”

Denali slid his finger over Zayde’s shoulder, loving how his mate shivered at his touch. “I would bite you here to bind our souls together.”

“Will it hurt?” Zayde looked concerned.

“For a split second.” Denali leaned over and nuzzled his mate’s neck. “Then you’ll experience pleasure like you’ve never felt before.”

“Is this going to be even better than Mason’s barbeque?”

Denali threw his head back and laughed. “So much better.” His laughter died down. “Do you want me to show you?”

“Pump your brakes.” Zayde pressed a hand to Denali’s shoulder and gently shoved him back. Denali growled softly as he pulled back, giving Zayde his space. “One, that sound is both terrifying and sexy.”

“My growl?”

“Yes,” Zayde said. “Two, I like to get to know a guy first before I jump into bed with him.”

As badly as Denali wanted to take his mate right there on the table, he would respect Zayde’s wish to take things slow, even if it killed him. “Okay, slow.”

Zayde chuckled. “I can tell the thought is killing you.”

“Preternatural like to claim their mate right away,” Denali admitted. “But your wishes matter to me, so I’ll back off until you’re ready.”

“Don’t back off from kisses,” Zayde said. “Petting is allowed.”

Denali groaned. “You’re killing me.”

His mate patted his knee. “You’ll survive.”

Denali was not so sure about that.

* * * *

Zayde laughed as Chloe climbed up his shirt and tried to perch on his shoulder. He wasn’t sure if she was always this playful or if she smelled Denali on him. Whatever the case, he was glad to see she was doing so much better.

After their conversation a few days ago, Denali had called the clinic at least twice a day—not always talking to Zayde—asking how she was doing. The vet had explained that Chloe had an upper respiratory infection, but with antibiotics, she would recover.

“You’re going home today,” Zayde said to her. “Are you excited to see Denali again?”

Zayde was. Although he and Denali talked a few times a day, the guy had said he could give Zayde his space and clearly meant it. That hadn’t been what Zayde meant, and he was going to correct Denali today.

He wanted to get to know the guy, not go without seeing him.

Marissa popped her head into the room Zayde and Chloe were in. “Your hunk is here.”

Zayde’s heart skipped a million beats as he put Choe into her cage and walked up front. He saw Denali talking with Dr. Bell, probably discussing Chloe.

Damn if Denali didn’t look delicious in his uniform. His muscles bulged as he nodded at something the vet was saying, but then it was as if the guy sensed Zayde’s presence. He kept his head facing the vet but cut his eyes toward Zayde.
