Page 15 of Breaking Point

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“Denali Davis.”

“Who attacked you, Denali?” Panahasi asked.

“A demon named Kalin.”

The demon leader actually cursed. It was never a good sign when a powerful demon such as Panahasi looked baffled.

“That bad?” Denali asked.

“Not good,” Panahasi replied. “How did he escape the underworld?” It was clear the guy was talking to himself because Denali wouldn’t know how Kalin had escaped. Before today, Denali didn’t even know who the demon was. “I have to contact the Keeper.”

“My mate,” Denali said. “What if Kalin goes after my mate?”

Panahasi looked down at him. The dark murky depths of his eyes held the wisdom of the ages and a lethal shadow that screamed he was ready to strike if need be. “Tell me who he is, and I’ll bring him here.”

Zayde was going to shit kittens. Denali had planned on telling his mate about his world, going more in depth, but Zayde was about to get a firsthand view. “His name is Zayde Martinez. He works at the vet office in Midnight Falls.”

With a single nod, Panahasi threw his arm out and created a vortex that he walked through.

What the hell? Was anyone else besides Phoenix going to try and heal him? Panting, Denali closed his eyes, letting his lion take over. The pain eased, but not by much. Still, it was a little more manageable in his lion form.

Shifters healed in their animal form, but if Phoenix couldn’t do it for him, Denali doubted his lion could.

* * * *

Zayde had just put a bunny back in its cage when the lights in the windowless room went out. “Great, just what I don’t need. Okay, everyone remain calm,” he said to the animals. “We’ll get through this power outage if everyone does their job.”

A dog barked.

“That’s what I’m talking about,” he said. “No arguing, Dixon. What I need you to do is take roll call.”

Zayde was mildly amused, until he saw disembodied eyes floating in the dark. At first, he thought they were on fire, but realized it was more like looking into the flames of a fireplace.

He tried to scream, but nothing came out. Zayde stood there frozen, remembering what Denali said about demons. Was this a demon? Was he about to die?

Then the lights turned on, and a man walked toward him. Holy shit! Zayde had never seen anyone so tall. The guy wore an expensive suit, his eyes now the color of whiskey instead of intense flames. His skin was the color of caramel. His face had sharp features, and damn, the stranger was handsome.

“Please don’t suck my soul out,” Zayde said with a whimper. “You can have my car keys instead. I have a full tank of gas. You can go anywhere you want. My car is all yours.”

The guy frowned, and then his features softened. “I am not here to hurt you.”

Zayde quickly averted his eyes. “I didn’t see you. I swear. You don’t have to kill me because I would never be able to point you out in a lineup.”

Zayde would definitely be able to point the guy out. He’d never in his life met anyone so freakishly tall. The stranger had to be close to seven feet. He was gorgeous but also appeared deadly.

“I am here to take you to Denali,” the guy said. “I am Panahasi.”

“Denali?” Zayde’s heart stopped for a brief second then restarted. “What’s wrong with Denali?”

“It is better I show you.”

“Nuh-uh.” Zayde shook his head. “No offense, but I’m not going anywhere with you.”

What if Panahasi was the enemy? How could he know for sure? For all Zayde knew, this was some sort of trap.

“This is no trap.”

Zayde sucked in a sharp breath. “You can read minds?”
